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I knew what I wanted to do, and that I did. I grabbed my large backpack and neatly shoved in clothes, my tooth brush and toothpaste, socks, all my panties and bras, various hair ties, and finally my hair brush.

Not forgetting to throw in some snacks I had in my drawer. The sound of my parents constant yelling was drowned out by me pulling my heavy black backpack over my shoulders. For a brief moment, I think I looked like a field worker carrying bags of crops back to the house.

Storming to my front door, and twisting multiple times out of my parents death grasps, I turn abruptly and stare dead into my fathers stern eyes. I stare at him with such hatred and knowing, leaving him to drop his eyes and turn his head away in guilt almost immediately.

Typical dad. I then turn to mothers angry gaze to finish off our now silent arguments. Deciding to answer my mother pursuing question, I speak. 

“Ask Dad.” 

Satisfied with myself, I turn onto my heels one final time, and walk out of my parents bland home, leaving behind one confused, and one extremely guilty parent. I  wasn’t sure where I was going to go, but any place had to be better than this.


“I probably should’ve thought that through fully...” I mumble to myself.

I knew from the start that I would have to live on the streets, but I definitely didn’t think it’d be such a dog eat dog world, compared to my upper middle class life. I’m staying on the streets next to Japan’s largest, and most well known brothel. Madams Mansion.

To be honest, I’m lucky enough to find The Madam who lets me stay on her turf for free! Even more lucky that The Madam brings me leftover food from the day, and good food too, for no reason other than, “You remind me of me when I was younger.” 

Most girls who accept food from the Madam or any other brothel hosts for that matter, are forced into prostitution for Madams Mansion, so I’m very lucky indeed.

On one account I remember a young girl, maybe a little older than me, say about, 24 or 25 years old, running out of Madams Mansion screaming and crying. The girl had blood running down her legs, and bruises forming on her porcelain face. It took no rocket scientist to guess what happened. The harlot kept screaming: 

“You promised to protect me! You promised!”

“Dear, if you come inside, we will take care of everything. I promise.” Madam said to the girl. 

“You said that last time! Your word is as disgusting as that sick man!”

“Quit making a fool out of yourself child.” Madams words hardened and her eyes darkened.

One thing The Madam hated was unwanted attention being brought to the brothel, and this girl had everyone in the streets stopped, taking pictures, and whispering.

The Madam consoled her nonetheless, and brought her back inside. I had never seen the young girl after that. That same night, The Madam gave me the best advice I think I could ever receive on the streets:

“Sometimes it’s better to give in. If you keep fighting a battle you cant win, you die.”

The sudden sound of screaming breaks me out of my deep thoughts. I lift my heavy head to locate where the dying cat sounds are coming from as a light snow drop hits my warm nose. A black BMW with pitch black windows pulls up slowly.

It looks as if the Devil himself was driving up. All the prostitutes from Madams Mansion, along with some men who had their pants either to their ankles or loosely on their waist, ran up to the mysterious car. The doors open on 3 sides, and out pop 3 men in dark neat suits. Not a wrinkle could be seen. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2017 ⏰

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