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Once I arrived to Omaha, I saw the whole buildings that I would always see ever since i was little.

We got our things, and walked out waiting for an uber.

"You okay, you didn't talk through the whole ride." Derek asked.

I sighed. "I'm fine."

Derek didn't bother in talking more since he saw me already depressed, and thinker.

Our uber got here, and gave him the address to my parents house.

After we arrived, Derek insisted in paying for us, and got our stuff out.

I looked at my parents house, and adore it since it has been months seeing this house where I had grew up.

"Dang, is, you didn't tell me you were a richie rich girl." He said looking it as well.

"Oh no, I'm not rich. Just some normal house. Like other people." I said not wanting to brag about my dad being the one who's rich.

"You call this mansion a normal house?" He pointed. "Man, this mansion bigger than mine." He said scoffing.

"Let's just go." I said taking my bag out of derek's hand, but he refuse.

"No, let me. I'm your body guard, so it's my responsibility to do this. Part of a job too."

Derek's a nice guy, and really sweet and funny.

He tried making me laugh showing me his videos that he and the rest would do during the plane. I just chuckled, not finding anything funny as he laughed his guts out.

He's a nice friend to have, and really handsome by the way.

I pushed the bell as it ringed through the house.

Nancy, our, well, my parent's maid, opened, as she grew a smile.

"Daisy!" She smiled.

"Nancy!" I yelled her hugging her.

Nancy and I has always been good with each other. She would always cook my favorite dishes and desserts behind my parents back. When I was leaving, she started crying knowing that I wouldn't be there anymore. We had so much fun with each other, and now I'm glad to see her again.

"How have you been, sweetie?" She asked.

"I've been good, how bout you?" I told her as well.

"I've been good. Just boring without you here now, but I've been spending time with your mom and she's fun too. She reminds of you." She said brushing my hair.

"Aww, that's great. Hey nancy, I want you to meet my friend, Derek." I pointed and stepped aside.

Her jaw opened wide, and fixed her hair.

Oh yeah, forgot to tell you. She can be kinda flirty too.

"Pero que guapo esta." ( but, how cute he is.) She said, trying to smile.

"Hi, the name's Derek. Derek luh." He said flipping his hair up.

I rolled my eyes at the romance scene they were going to.

"I'm Nancy. Nancy Lopez." She said with her spanish accent.

"Esta bien guapo. Daisy, hasta que por fin trais a un amigo bien caliente." (He is so cute, daisy, well it's time now that you brought a very hot friend here.) She spoke in spanish.

behind the man - j.g - completed Where stories live. Discover now