Making The Right Choices

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She walked into the house at 5 a.m like she did everything, confidently and with purpose. Charlie was barely spared a glance before she was walking up the stairs as though she owned the place. He said nothing though, having expected something like this and not wanting to draw her ire.

Calling her had been the right thing to do. He knew it, yet as he went to follow her and saw the pissed off expression she tossed him over her shoulder he knew that he wouldn't be getting off easily this time and almost regretted even buying the damn phone.

He remembered the first time he had met the exotic beauty, she hadn't been more then 11 at the time and yet she spoke and acted as though she was twice the age and watching her with Bella had almost made him believe she was. Feisty is what he'd describe her as publicly, scary as all hell is what he'd say privately.

Strong willed and to smart for her and everyone around hers on good, bitchy sometimes to if he was being honest. But again he had watched her with Bella. She was only a little under a year older then his little girl but she treated Bella the same way a loving big sister would; Protected and Adored her in a way that almost had Charlie questioning if he had fathered another daughter without his knowledge.

It took two conversations and a look for him to realize that she didn't like Renée and single eye roll to realize she wasn't to fond of him either. He'd probably never know what made him call her out on it or forget the feeling of being utterly godsmacked at her well thought out and spoken answer. Being told how shitty of a father you are by an 11 year old defined the phrase 'reality check'.

Her dislike obviously hadn't changed over the years and really he couldn't blame her but this was about Bella, helping his baby girl that was all that mattered, and the simple fact the he had called her yesterday while she was in Spain and she had found a way to get there not 10 hours later told him that she felt the same.


I adopted this story from Lashayma16 a couple months ago because I really like the chapter's so far, so I'm not gonna majorly change it; I just really hope I can do her character Justice.

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