10 - The Judge's Prophecy

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An orcish doctor, which was an unheard of combination, tended to my arm the next three days. His name was Varok and he stayed in the cell with me, practically slept their sometimes if one counted dozing off. He was an elderly orc, a cone of white hair shooting from his chin and forming a tight point at the end of it. His skin was wrinkled, dark green, and dry, but his eyes were very kind.

"I think my work here is done," Varok said, standing up.

"Don't' go," I begged quietly. It sounded more like a whimper. "Please."

The orc gave a husky laugh, "But I must! There are so many out there that need my help, young human. However, I hear you will save much more, am I right?"

I tilted my head at this, "What are you talking about?"

The orc looked at Gauss worriedly. The dark-skinned man of Roth had not left the cell since the branding. Did he ever use the bathroom? I wished he would just leave and let me suffer by myself, but preferably with Verok still by my side. However, judging by the orc's nervous face, he would have to leave.

"I'm sorry, young human. I've said too much as I usually do. I must be going. Please, take this as a parting gift."

Verok shoved his hand into his medical pack and produced a brown spongy cake. They had allowed me to start eating right after the branding. It hadn't been a bittersweet moment because I could barely eat anything that night for the pain had dulled all of my other senses. They had had to force the food down my throat.

But it got worse. When hunger did come to me I was told that they couldn't just feed me all at once. Verok warned Gauss that if he did this that my stomach might burst from the unexpected amount.

I took the sponge cake from the orc and watched him turn and leave. And yet again, I was alone. Verok seemed to be a light in this dark place, someone who cared for him and could see what he was going through. He was surprisingly hospitable for an orc, maybe even more so than most humans.

I took a bite of the cake. It was the most delectable thing I had ever tasted in my life and I shoved the entire thing in my mouth. I couldn't get it down fast enough! I let out a tiny burp and sat back.

"I've never seen goblins and orcs, only heard of them," I said. "I thought they were supposed to be beastly."

"They are beastly," agreed Gauss. He was bent over as he usually was, his elbows on his knees and his eyes directly on me. "But here it is different. We are all given a second chance."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You will be instructed of this at a later time. For now, Verok has finished with you and it is time we test you." Gauss stood and held out his hand for me to grab it.

"I'm not going anywhere with you," I said.

"You will either come of your own choice or I will have my men carry you. Our time here is complete and there is no time to waste. The darkness arises."

"What darkness?" I asked. "What are you talking about? Give me some sort of answers!"

Gauss pierced his lips in preparation to whistle for the men he and I both knew hid behind the walls. I didn't care. Let those bastards come. The food they had been feeding me had restored my energy and I was feeling more confident that I could beat them with this arm. But wait. What if I pretended to follow Gauss out of this cell and make a run for it when there was a clearing? Yes, that was a better plan than fighting. Any plan was better than fighting.

Gauss let out the very start of a whistle when I said, "Alright, I'll go."

The man of Roth stopped his signal and the walls jiggled ever so slightly. He nodded his head, turned and started to walk away. I figured that meant I was allowed to follow and so I did.

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