Part 4

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(Another long part! Mentions of Supernatural-esque magic and magical torture from the start.)

You had no idea how long you were kept in that one little room, bouncing between physical and emotional pain. "Why are you doing this?" you croaked out. The person you thought was your best friend turned a steely glare to you. "Because it's fun." You shook your head as another wave of pain hit you. You felt yourself beginning to break.

Of all the surprises in the world, this was one you never expected. Your lunch date had turned into days or even weeks of hell. Your "friend" was using magic to cause you physical pain that made you feel like your insides were being ripped out. You would have preferred to have another baby than continue. Then, she made your mind race with the most painful memories in your life. Over and over again until you could feel your resolve to stay alive slipping. The only thing keeping you going was the thought of your son.

"There has to be a reason," you hissed through the torturous sting. If you could get her talking, maybe you'd get a break from the pain for a few moments. Then you could think clearly. She turned on you again. Stepping toward you, she grabbed your chin. "Oh, there is. I'm enjoying this and, in the end, it'll draw out that pompous ass who killed my family." You knew exactly who she was talking about. Arthur.

"You won't get what you want," you gasped as the horrid memories returned. Struggling to keep the tears out of your voice, you continued, "He doesn't care about me. I was nothing but a distraction while he was here. He won't come for me." She looked down at her phone and smirked. "Oh, but he's already here."

Your brows furrowed and she turned her phone to you. You could see Arthur and two other men making their way into the house. You whispered Arthur's name. Y/BFF/N gave you a sickeningly sweet smile. "Now, be a good girl and call him in here." You shook your head adamantly. You refused to put Arthur in danger. You captor sighed, "Oh well. More fun for me." The physical pain was back, along with the memories. The hurt was so intense, you couldn't help but scream.

Arthur froze for a split second when he heard it. A scream that made his blood run cold. He glanced at the Winchesters, who nodded. "We'll follow your lead." Arthur followed the sound of the screams to a room in the back of the mostly abandoned house. He slowly opened the door, gun raised. You were in the middle of the room, strapped to a chair.

Arthur breathed your name and you shook your head frantically. "Go!" Before he could argue, Arthur felt himself being thrown against the wall and the Winchesters followed suit. Pinned by the witch's powers, the men could only watch as you started to scream again. "Hey!" Dean screamed, "Let her go!" The witch shook her head. "No, I don't think I will. I think I'll just keep torturing her until she finally dies while Mr. Brit here watches. That way, he can know what he feels like to watch everyone he loves die, just like I did."

Arthur's jaw clenched. He hated not being able to move. He could only stay there, helpless as the monster drew closer to you, chanting another spell. The screams you were emitting turned in shrieks of agony. Your head was thrown back and tears were rolling down your face and Arthur fought against the witch's hold. He needed to save you.

Everyone was focused on you for different reasons. It wasn't until your head finally rolled forward that the screams stopped. Arthur felt his heart pick up and his body began to shake against his will. He kept his face stoic. He couldn't let that witch know that she'd gotten to him. That you meant that much to him.

She turned to him with that same grin on her face. "What were you trying to do exactly? That woman means nothing to me," Arthur told her. He was proud that his voice hadn't betrayed him. All the training at Kendrick's was paying off in that moment. He had no idea that he was only serving to further anger the woman in front of him. Her hand raises and she began chanting yet another spell. Arthur closed his eyes and prepared for the worst. Then, a shot rang out.

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