The Four Boys

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The Spoiled Child

In Potter Manor, a small child was born into a pureblod wizard family in the March of 1960. Euphemia and her husband, Fleamont, absolutely adored their one and only son from the very first time they held him. James was not a very popular name at the time, but the couple decided on it because their names were so complicated that they perferred theit son to have a short, easy name.

The first year of their parenting was not difficult at all. James was an easy baby, he rarely cried unless he wanted attention. His parents noted that early on James was outgoing, social, and independent.

However, when the 'terrible twos' phase begun, the unexperienced parents were thrown for a suprise. James threw tantrums when he was not given what he wanted, which led Fleamont and Euphemia to spoil him. Without either of their parents or brothers and sisters there to teach, the new parents struggled with James at times but loved him unconditionally.

Fleamont one day got his son a child size broom to pretend to play quidditch on, "Be careful, James, don't go to fast."

Being the independent 5 year old James was, he didn't listen to a word, "Come on, Dad, I'll race you! You time me, one lap around the house, pleassssse, pleasssse," James begged, until his father caved in and James started off very very quickly.

"James, you heard your father, slow down, please."Euphemia said, nonchalantly.

James ignored his mother as well which ended in him falling off and breaking his arm and his glasses. Now the glasses could be fixed easily with spellotape but James had to go a healer (reluctantly, ofcourse) for his arm. That was the most trauma James had been put through.

The Unlucky Child

Another only child was born in that March of 1960, named Remus Lupin. Remus was the only child of his father, Lyall, and his mother, Hope. Lyall was a very respected who was as clever as he was shy. By the time Lyall has a world renowned authority in the Non-Human Spiritous Appartitations. One day while Lyall was looking for a bothersome boggart said to be lurking in the Welsh Forrest he had heard a scream of a muggle woman. Once he saved her from the Boggart the young couple fell in love quickly. After only a year of marrige the couple began the parenting of Remus Lupin.

Remus showed signs of being a wizard early, but not as early as whemn he showed signs of following his fathers footsteps. Remus' personality was identical as his fathers, he was shy but very smart. Remus wanted to learn as much as he could and loved it as well, even as a young child.

Lyall was a very clever, yet very opinionated. Remus grew up learning his father's opinions, spcifically about werewolves. Lyall hated werewolves, he preached to his son that werewolves were nothing but bad. It wasnt clever for Lyall to speak before he knew who was around them, for one day Fenrir Greyback over heard this opinion and told Lyall off. Lyall responded with some harsh words to the infamous werewolf which also was not clever.

A few months later, Remus was set to turn five in a few weeks. In the excitment of his birthday coming up, Remus could hardly sleep, but he did. He fell asleep that night with no worries in his innocent mind... However not even an hour went by before Greyback creeped into the child's bedroom window, raised his paw once he was over him, and with a snarl he cut into the boy's face with his sharp claws.

Remus wailed in pain and yelled, "Papa! Please!" as the werewolf tore his shirt leaving marks on his chest and back. When Lyall and Hope burst into the room, it was too late. Fenrir was standing grinnning, before apparating into thin air. Hope ran to Remus and hugged him andlet him sob and bawl into her shoulder.

"We must take him to the healers, come, Hope." Lyall said quickly as he grabbed Lyall and carried him like a baby. They Flooed to the Healers but nothing could be done to make him normal again, there was no cure.

Remus grew up in fear from then on, fear of society, and fear of the werewolves. He was an outcast any way he looked at it.

The Difficult Child

In the year before, a pureblood was born to Walburga Black and her husband, Orion Black. They decided to name him Sirius, as Sirius was a family traditional name reoccuring in each generation, as was his younger brother's name, Regulus. Orion and Walburga were excited to have children, however irt was not because they liked children in the least bit, they liked carrying on the family name along with their beliefs.

Sirius would be considered a good child by anyone who was not in his own family. He was kind to every one he met, including all the muggles and half bloods, and Orina dn Walburga hated this. They taught himn to know the blood status before being kind to anyone, when he did not follow this rule, he was often sent to his room with no dinner and somtimes was slapped by his mother and father. They loved Sirius and Regulus equally but Sirius always had more punishments, due to what his parents called, "stupidness" and "retardedness". In reality, Sirius hated his parents, he hated all their rules and opinions.

One fight began over Sirius helping a muggle born in public. "You are a disappointment f I have ever seen one! Nine years you have been in this world and you still won't learn, how pathetic! Your brother is two years younger and he has learn much more than you, you should be ashamed!"

"Why couldn't I help that old woman, why? she was struggling with her groceries whats so bad about helping her, mother? If anything it was the right thing to do." Sirius said back, so angry he was shaking.

His mother slapped him accross the face and through him into his room harshly, "Not another word out of your mouth of so help me you will be sleeping outside for the next year, you mud blood lover."

She slammed his door and Sirius sat in his room and cried. He wasn't upset about his mother slapping him, or yelling at him. He just wished at times he had a place that felt like home instead of this hell hole of a home. He was alone in this world and he felt if his family did not love him nobody would. The last thing he wanted was to become a blood traitor, he knew what happened to blood traitors and he shivered at the thought.

The Foolish Child

Phobe Pettigrew gave birth to her first and only child in the winter of 1959. Phobe promised to raise her son, who she named Peter, right. His father was an American named Anthony Bellsburg who was just visiting Britian for the summer. Phobe and him had a wonderful summer, but Anthony did not stay to see his child be born, In fact, Anthony had never returned after tht summer.

Phobe did not know how to raise a child, and she often even forgot about Peter. She tried her best but at the end of the day life was too hard on Phobe and she was sad all the time. Peter grew up in a sad small home, with no pride.

Phobe worked in a shop and left Peter at home frequently When Peter was home alone he would think about leaving everyday almost, he wanted to go to America and see his father and escape the sad enviorment that his mother had created.

Not every day was bad for Peter though, some of his favorite memories were the ones created during a winter snow storm when him and his mom would spend hours playing in the snow until it got dark, and they would go inside and play some more.

Peter was a shy boy, but he tried to be outgoing. Since he lived in the big city of London, it often backfired. In th city people didnt take mind to kind gestures and such, so eventually Peter stopped acting kind and let the people push him out of the way and roll their eyes at him.

The Marauders Years

Thesevery different boys did not know that they would become friends while they attended Hogwarts and they didnt know that they would go on to be friends for ten years until one betrayal led to their downfall. These four biys could have never gessed what was in store for them.

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