First Week

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The next morning he woke up and looked around, Sirius and Peter still wee fast asleep, Sirius was snoring quietly. Remus was no where to be found. James did not think too much of it because they had just met and Remus could want other friends, which made sense. He got up and brushed his teeth, then he attempted to smooth his hair but gave up after a second.

James left the dorm and went down to common room, Remus was there but he was in the corner alone, reading. "Remus?" James asked walking to him. 

Remus looked up, "Oh, uh, good morning James."

"Morning, what are you doing here?" James asked.

"I'm just, you know, reading...woke up a few hours early and wrote a letter, that's all."

"You miss your parents already?"

"Miss them? No, No I don't miss them, I just, well I--" Remus began until James interupted.

"It's okay, I'm kind of missing my mum too. She's sweet, would make me breakfast  in the morning and everything." James said. 

"Yeah. Your mum sounds a lot like mine." Remus smiled. "And my father is a good man too."

Sirius saw them and sat down next to them with Peter behind him, "What are we talking about?"

"Family stuff." answered Remus.

"Ah, I'm a pureblood." Sirius aid a tinge of pride in his voice but also some shame.

James' eyebrows furrowed but he thought nothing of it and said, "I come from Purebloods too Remus, Peter, what about you two?"

Remus said "Oh, half blood, my dad is wizard, my mum's a muggle."

Sirius looked at him. His inners seemed at war, here he was befriending someone that his parents told him all of his life was bad. Someone who he should hex and curse, and when he got older he would do worse things they told him. "My parents say that muggles who have kids with wizards never stay, because wizards and muggles shouldn't be together and that's the way things work out. My mum says half bloods can never decide who's side they are on."

The others just stared at him, James eventually said, "You don't think that way, right? Cause that'd cancel our friendship right here."

Sirius shook his head furiously, "No, no, no, if I did, I'd be put into Slytherin like the rest of them. Well, am I in Slytherin?"

"Good thing you aren't, Slytherins always are and always will be annoying gits.' James said rolling his eyes.

Suddenly a red head spoke up with "And you arent?" 

The four boys turned around to see a red headed girl behind them, looking offended yet fierce. "Excuse yourself, uh..."

"James Potter." James answered standing up, he was about the height her. "And you are?"

"Lily Evans. And I will have you know that one of my best friends was placed in Slytherin, and he is not an annoying git, thank you. Slytherins can be wonderful people, even though some thick skulled people like you tend to add stereo types to them, left and right..." 

James looked at Sirius and they both rolled there eyes as Evans went on and on. "If I may interrupt," Sirius interjected, "It is our first day here and the lectures don't start for tomorrow, Remus, what is today good for?"

Remus looked shocked at the whole situation, shocked at the argument between the girl and his friends, but he said,"Erm...Making friends, I assume."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2017 ⏰

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