Keep Going

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It'll be alright, baby, you're gonna be okay.

Every step hurts. I've been walking for so long. This burden is too great to carry.

Darling, you're going to be alright, I promise.

I can't let her down. Not now. Not this time. I can take another step if it's for her.

I'll take care of you, sweetie, don't worry. I'll keep you safe.

I want—I won't rest. I will not put her down. I will not stop moving. She needs to get there now. She's hurt. I need to keep moving onward.

I love you; do you hear that? I love you so much and you're going to be okay. You will be so happy, you'll never cry again.

Her head lolls into the crook of my neck. My ears are still ringing from the sound of the explosive.

Love, you're fine now; everything's fine.

I made it home. We made it home together. She's gonna be okay.

They're gonna take care of you now, honey; it's alright.

Her limp body is taken from my arms and I can finally crumple to the ground. Her sweet, fragile neck is at an unnatural angle, and her lightless eyes still look into mine as they walk away from me. My baby.

It's okay. Mamma loves you.

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⏰ Última actualización: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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