Chapter 13

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~Lin POV~

When I come back, Pippa has her arms wrapped securely around a very tired Lillian. She still looks scared and hesitant.

"Don't worry Lillian. We will keep you safe. I promise. Lillian, we already love you." Pippa said, slightly rubbing her back and running a hand through Lillian's somewhat disheveled hair.

"Yeah. We just worked everything out and we are now fostering you. I hope you're okay with that. We don't want you to have to go through foster care." I say.

"That would be good Mr. Lin and Miss Pippa." She says.

"Aww, sweetie. Just call us Lin and Pippa." I say. She looks at me and nods.

"Okay Lin." She says. She's so cute and tiny but she looks very tired. Pip hugs her harder.

"Lillian, I know you're scared. I'm very sorry about your mom and dad. But you don't have to be worried or scared. Lin and I will keep you safe and help you with anything. I was just in a small car accident," I shoot her a look that says 'that car accident was anything but small,' "and Lin helped me and took care of me. We promise we will take care of you and love you." Pippa says gently.

"Thank you Pippa. I'm just really scared."

"And that's okay. You have every right to be scared. You will be okay. We will help you." I say back to her gently.

"Lillian, you look tired. We'll take you home to sleep." Lillian nods.

"Can we go to my house? I want to get something." She asks. Pip and I nod in unison.

"Yes. Do you know your address?"

"4490 Mulberry Lane." She recites. Pip and I nod. Since we already signed everything and we are officially fostering Lillian,we head straight out of the hospital.

Pip and I are going to try to get Lillian to open up a little more. We want to find anyone she was connected with to have her talk to them. Someone familiar would really help her. I think. Pip and I decided to pack up everything Lillian needs. Her stuff, her parents stuff, and anything else. I really hope Lillian will warm up quickly. She has had no time to adjust to this new life. She was just thrown into it. We aren't going to tell the cast just yet, we'll see how she and Pippa are tomorrow. I pull up to the house. I quick explain to Pippa that I am going to pick up moving boxes. I drop Pippa and Lillian off, and quickly head in to see the house quick, and then head to the nearest Wal-Mart. Once I have a load of moving boxes, I head back to the house. I walk in and see that Pippa and Lillian have started making piles of stuff. We have 3 extra rooms in our apartment, so Lillian will have her own room and the other two can be used for anything.

---8 hours later---

I know. I know it's late. I know eight hours is a long time. I know that a five year old should not be awake at three o'clock in the morning. But Lillian needs this. We were actually able to get moving trucks here this late. We also put the house up for sale. All the money that is made from selling the house and selling the furniture will go into a savings account for Lillian. She can use it for college or whatever she needs. Once we have everything packed and loaded in the moving trucks, we headed back to our apartment. We will unpack tomorrow. If everything doesn't fit in our apartment, we will put in in the storage lockers in our building. As we are getting her bed set up in the room for her to sleep. I think back to when I first dropped them off at the house. When we walked in, Lillian bolted up the stairs and came back clutching something very tight. It was a raggedy stuffed bunny. What made it special was her reply when Pippa asked what the story behind it was.

Forever Mine (Lippa, Janthony, Adopted by Lippa)Where stories live. Discover now