Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Deeks walked past Sam refusing to make eye contact with him as Callen walked him over to the interrogation room at the boatshed.

"Other side Deeks." Callen said as Deek went to sit on his normal side.

"Sorry." Deeks said and sat on the other side.

Callen walked out and grabbed the file. Looking at Deeks on the monitor he sighed as Sam came over. "You ok?"

"No…not really, I'm about to interview a member of my team for doing something I would have done in a heartbeat had I been in his position….hell I was in his position with the Comescu's and I killed them, I get exactly where he's coming from." Callen said sadly.

"Then perhaps you shouldn't be the one doing the interview." Said a voice from behind him.

They looked as Granger walked in and took the file from Callen's hand.

"He's screwed isn't he?" Callen asked.

Granger looked at him, "I can say his days as a cop are over." He said.

Callen looked at Sam worried as Granger grabbed the file and walked into interrogation.

"Shit." Deeks said under his breath as Granger walked in.

"Indeed Mr. Deeks, you are in deep shit." He replied.

Deeks closed off and glared at him, "I don't regret a thing." He snapped.

"That's good." Granger said.


"You took that step, although it was a little over the top, you found out who was blackmailing Dr. Hampton and who was responsible for the kidnap of her…sorry your daughter. My question to you is would you put that kind of dedication in again."

"Sorry?" Deeks was confused now.

"You didn't kill him did you?"

"I…I wanted to…but I…I couldn't." Deeks admitted. "Why do you care though, I'm through as a cop."

"You are, we have your gun, and I need your badge for Lieutenant Bates." Granger confirmed.

Deeks reached into his back pocket and held the badge for a second, running this thumb over the metal, with a sigh he tossed it onto the table and looked away.

"So have you given any thought to your future?" Granger asked.

Deeks laughed, for the first time in a long while a deep sad emotion filled laugh. "My future, well I think I'm gonna be pretty busy for the next five to ten years don't you?" He looked at up at Granger his face filled with hopelessness. "Maybe after that I may get to know my daughter…if she still wants to know me,"

"That's a pity." Granger said closing the file in front of him.

"I don't regret it, I'd do it again." Deeks said defiantly.

"I had hoped so." Granger said.

"What?!" Deeks said, this was echoed by Callen and Sam in the main room.

"Well we thought you'd want this badge." Granger put an NCIS badge on the table.

Deeks picked it up. "Are you insane?" Deeks asked honestly.

"What's he playing at?" Callen asked Sam in the other room.

"I am hoping he's convincing our Mr. Deeks to stay." Hetty said as her face appeared in the small box on the monitor.


"Fitzgerald copped a plea to his crimes, he has admitted to taking Miss Hampton and arranging for the body of that poor dead girl to be displayed."

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