54 - Date with Taekwoon

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Yie is out of her head while writing this so have patience, tq.

Oh and also, comment down the VIXX member you want to end up with ㅠㅠ pls


I thought Leo oppa won't come so I told myself not to be disapponted like how I feel when Hakyeon oppa didn't came on our first date (LOL).

Leo oppa isn't in favor of public dating so I prepared a dinner inside my apartment for him. I cooked foods for him and some western desserts which I learned from my mother back home.

I heard my doorbell rang so I immediately went to the front door and opened it. Leo oppa was wearing a pastel pink long-sleeved polo, black pants and shining black shoes. He also has a bouquet of flower with him. I gladly welcomed him inside my apartment and made our way to the dining area.

"There's a lot of foods. You ordered them all?" Leo oppa asked which made me laugh.

"No, I cooked those all," He was shocked but recovered fastly. He made me seat first before him and  handed me the flowers.

"Thank you," I said and placed the flowers on the vacant chair beside me.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked and I got nervous. I nodded to make him know that I agree on his question.

What if he ask me to be his girlfriend? Omg!!!

"What is this dish called?" I was disappointed on his question but I managed to not let it be obvious to him. That would be so embarassing.

"Chicken Adobo," I answered. "Is it delicious?" I nervously asked hoping for better answer. Gosh, I cooked that hard and I put so much effort on it so I expect a good feedback.

Ugh, I suddenly misses home.

"No," He stated which made me feel like tearing up. "Very delicious," He continued. I sighed in relief and smiled widely.

Lola (grandma) must be so proud!

"Kamsa," I replied. Leo oppa resume eating and I did too.

We both decided to watch a movie in my living room so I ordered pizza. The movie played and both fell in silence.

"Why did yoy ask us for a date?" Leo oppa broke the ice with his question.

I smiled, "Nothing. I just want to have a special time with my brothers," I replied, smiling.

"You know, I miss my family back home," I added.

"We both miss our families," He said and I flashed a sweet smile for him. I can feel that from them. Through their smiles, I know there's this longing for their families. Being an idol is surely not easy.

The lights blinked thirce which causes me to shout in shock.

OMG. Halloween's over, okay.

"Maybe the electricity supply will shut later," Leo oppa said. I just shrugged at it ignoring the lady's figure I saw through the curtains at my window.

Who was that?

Few minutes later, the doorbell rang which made us smile in glee. Finally, pizza!

"I'll be the one to open," Leo oppa said and I have nothing to do but to agree. He stood up peeking through the peep hole but he came back not opening the door.

"Why?" I asked.

"There's no one outside," He said which made me scare again.

Who was that?

We both jumped in shock when the door bangs thrice.

"Oppa!" I shouted and I saw Leo oppa locking the door.

That wasn't locked before, omg.

Before Leo oppa can go back in my place, something in the kitchen fell that made me shout again, "Omo!"

"Shh, that could be a cat," Leo oppa run and calmed me.

"I'm scared," I said and I saw Leo oppa shook his head.

The lights blinked again and I saw the lady's figure outside again but now she's holding a knife.

"Waaaaaaah!" I shouted as I pointed to the lady outside my window. Leo oppa saw it too and color drained his face. He must be scared too.

He held my hand to ease the tension in my body but the figure disappeard. We both stood up being alert until the door starts banging again.

Loud knocks can be heard outside and the lights continue to blink.

I prayed inside my head as the both of us searched for my flashlight.

Where could that be when neaded?!

Leo oppa got tensed when the door starts unlocking itself.

O. M. G.

The lights went off and I can't see Leo oppa anymore.

"Leo oppa! Leo oppa where are you?" I asked while shouting. I really feel like crying but there is this part inside me thag tells me not to cry.

No one's answering until the door flew open. I shouted as the lady from outside entered slowly. She was really tall and her long hair was in front of her face. She crawled towards me and I shut my eyes close, shouting.

"Get away from me!" I shouted as I feel the lady crawls nearer.

Suddenly, I feel the lights turned on then I saw VIXX member inside my apartment holding halloween candies and baskets in their hands.

"Yaaaaah!" I cried when I saw them laughing.

"Belated trick or treats!" Ken oppa shouted and hugged me.

The date gone wrong.



So as I told you.

I was completely out of ideas for this Date with VIXX series. I didn't even know why I came up from this idea in the first place, ugh.



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