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"Fuck off, Dallon." The guy flicked the ash off from his cigarette as they drive home.

"Yeah, why don't you do the same?" The other guy retaliated.


"You wanna know how sick you make me, Brendon?" His words were soaked in a hurt but that hurt was shown in a harsh tone.

"Oh, it can't be bad as much as you make me." The other groaned and rolled his eyes.

A dangerous silence filled the car between the couple. Once upon a time, they were in love. They enjoyed each other's presence and would give anything to share a moment with the other. But now they have each other hands' at their throats and harmful words seeping into their brains. Something changed in them.

Brendon had one too many one-night stands and Dallon could care less about Brendon's behavior or his claimed "love" for him. The only reason they were still together was because of the popularity. Every kid in high school loved their so called "happy relationship"

The two guys didn't know better. Being popular in high school was everyone's objective at the time. They kept faking the relationship, which isn't healthy, at all. With every public kiss, there would be a sentence of hate whispered to one another. With every touch, there would be a glare passed.

When the drive was over and they arrived to Brendon's house, there was yelling and maybe a punch had been thrown. Luckily, they weren't inside the house either were his parents home.

"I fucking hate you!" One of them spat the blood off of their lip.

"It's sad that was the only thing I can agree with you on. I'm done trying to sustain this relationship, fuck the shitty high school. If people are gonna laugh at me for not dating you, they can be my guest. You're just some asshole who happens to have the same depressing reason as me."

"At least, the year's almost over. I won't have to see your face ever again after this. I'm so ready to leave you behind, you were just some dead weight. Some weight I carried, so, people would care about me. I'm pathetic, fortunately for me, we're pathetic."

They turned their backs on each other but there was a moment of love for a second. The two boys looked back in hopes to share one last look. A look that wasn't hateful. A look that had some care in it.

But it never happened.

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welcome to a book that might be sad...? this book took over my plans for the letters of us, another book i had in mind. this one seemed more exciting...? and, no, i do not support verbal abuse or any kind form of abuse,,,please forgive me if this triggered you somehow. i hope you have a wonderful day! <3

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