The dark

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Silver POV ~

I was walking with Mephiles, silence was between until I broke the silence "So.. You live in a castle and your a Butler??"
I looked at Mephiles as he gave me a slight nod as he spoke out.

"something to do at least - living In a castle is like a big house anyways "

I nodded "ah well I guess that's good to hear- at least your occupied "

He responded "heh I guess so"
We walked more until we reached the woods. It was dark and kind of gave me an unsettling feeling, I never liked the woods they always made me feel uncomfortable. Then mephiles spoke.

"beyond these woods is my home- you may follow it come with me" Said Mephiles.

It made sense he was a kind of a creepy dude but what else am I doing? My schedule isn't full so what's the worse that could happen?

"eh sure I'll come with you." I said as we both started walking to his home.

Nighttime soon swept over us, along with a cold blinding fog which made it harder to find our way but the strangest thing was.. The weather was clear all day. Now suddenly this? Something is up and I don't like it I feel watched...

" Mephiles I don't feel well here I feel watched "

He stopped walking the looked at me " I feel it too Silver... I don't know what is but it feels so familiar... "

Me and Mephiles were on high alert now but the feeing in my gut was growing it was like it was screaming danger.
Before we knew it we made it to the castle and was I shocked, it was massive and old looking almost like I'm in a dream an amazing dream!

No pov~

Mephiles looked at silver and grabbed his hand "come, I'll show you my friend his name is Shadow"

Silver responded tilting his head then smiled
"ill be honored to meet your friend!"

silver walked with Mephiles to the front gate covered with thorny vines and blood red roses.
Mephiles spoke as she waves his hand then suddenly the vines parted from the gate allowing it to open freetly. Silver stood in shock then smiled from amazement.

"that was amazing! I never knew you could do that!"

Mephiles crossed his arms and looked at Silver "we have just met, but I can do more. But now follow me" Mephiles would start walking as he chuckled darkly.

Silver doses then started to follow Mephiles from behind as he looked around seeing a large garden then he looked up at the large castle getting closer as they Walked.

Darkest Trust a Mephilver Story prequel Where stories live. Discover now