Chapter 11

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Author's Note: Gif not related to the chapter, he just looks hot as balls in this so I had to put it up.


I look at the unmade bed. I wonder how many girls have slept in it. It's either a lot or none I'm guessing. No in between. I'm tempted to make the bed but retrain myself. I'm sure he has people, or droids, who clean. I'm his prisoner, not a maid. Maids get to leave at the end of the day...

The wall-sized closet opposite of his bed draws my attention. I walk to the biggest double doors in the middle of it and open them, just to see black pieces of different layers of clothing hanging. I finger some the material on one of his overthrow things he uses as part of his outfit. It feels heavy and strong. Does he own anything other than black?

The rest of his closet is equally boring. Nothing revealing there. I close the doors in the middle and turn my back to it to take a look at his room. Dark grey walls, shiny black floor, closet, two metallic bedside tables and overhead lights. That's it.

I groan. What the hell am I suppose to do? Just out of spite, I won't meditate. Even though this would be the perfect time to practice it. And even if I did, I wouldn't know where to start. I've never actually done it; I've only seen it in the movies.

I jolt as I hear the door open. I hurry to the dining room to see a white soldier coming in, carrying a food tray. I follow the soldier as he sets it on the dining room table.

"Breakfast?" I ask.

"Yes." He answers back, his voice filtering through the mask as well.

Maybe he could give me some answers. I take a step toward him, pretending to be casual. I gaze at the food, taking the bread from the tray. Picking it.

"Where is Commander Ren landing again? I forget. The, umm... The galaxy, uh... What was it?"

"Corellian System." He replies flatly.

Well, that says absolutely nothing to me. Is that... In the Milky Way Galaxy even? I suppose there's no way to ask that without sounding like a moron. Maybe to them, it's like asking is Canada next to the US.

"And what are you uhh, Kyl- Commander Ren, what was – is – the mission today again?"

"Corellian Trade Spine is under attack, we're coming to stabilize it and restore order to the galaxy."

Jesus. Do they brainwash them or what? Again with the 'restoring order in the galaxy.'

"Of course, restoring order. Right. So, how do you go about it exactly?"

I nibble the white bread in my hands. Take a small piece and put it in my mouth. I'm surprised the soldier is talking to me. Maybe Kylo Ren doesn't care that I know.

"By eliminating the rebels. We've managed to drive them all the way to the Outer Rim territories."

"Right," I gulp. "And by 'eliminating' you of course mean...?"

"Miss, I'm sure you know."

To kill. They're going to kill them. Of course, I knew that. I just didn't want to. Kylo Ren is needed to wage his blazing sword of demise again. Right at that second, the speakers overhead started blaring an automated recording of a woman's voice 'All Stormtroopers report to the hangar immediately. All Stormtroopers report to the hangar immediately.'


"Us, miss." His voice dripping with a patronizing tone, even through the modifier. He starts rushing toward the door and another recording blared overhead.

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