Preview : 1

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I'm gonna be clear, and go ahead with what I'm gonna write in this book.

Before that, here are some things you must know:

- I have no clue how many chapters it will be.

- I have no clue what I'll be writing about like 20 chapters ahead, so I've got nothing really to say about the flow of my story.

- I'm gonna be making my stories and publishing them every Sunday.
     -it's gonna be super long, so you
        won't get bored.

- I'm never written anything before, so this is my first time.

- not to mention, first time on wattpad.

-don't keep expectations, cause I'm not that creative. However, I will strive to be creative.

- I take in opinions, so comment down below, even if you think I'm gonna be offended by it.

- I'm a very unique person so don't judge me.

- I have my own views,  as well as reasons as to why I'm writing this, and starting a book like this, which you'll come to know later on, in this book.

- anything else to add? I'll add it later. :)


   《《 ☆NOTE TO READER☆》》

Whatever you're doing,  stop. When you're reading this, I want you to pay attention to only the words I write at that moment.

Make sure, to let yourself be free for a while, to focus as much as you can on what you're going to read in the next chapter onwards.

In writing this, I hope to help the world, as well as myself.

It's not motivation.

It's not about self-improvement.

It's not about morals, ideals or beliefs either.

It's just a preparation book, to all those ordeals you're about to face and witness.

                  《 Preview : 1》

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