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      《《 ☆NOTE TO READER☆》》

Whatever you're doing,  stop. When you're reading this, I want you to pay attention to only the words I write at that moment.

Make sure, to let yourself be free for a while, to focus as much as you can on what you're going to read in the next chapter onwards.

In writing this, I hope to help the world, as well as myself.

It's not motivation.

It's not about self-improvement.

It's not about morals, ideals or beliefs either.

It's just a preparation book, to all those ordeals you're about to face and witness.

                  《 Preview : 2》

At first, everything seemed so simple.  I looked at it. Regardless of whether I focused or payed attention,  the solution seemed clear enough. Then, now why does it seem hard?
I don't really have a reason as to why I write. Writing has helped me in many ways. Countless ways.

I started off by writing songs, and now I write monologues. They help me. Especially for a person like me, who's an intorvert and anti-social, I'd prefer writing over talking about it to somebody. I'd also like to say, that this book is means a lot to me.

I really appreciate every person who's put in so much effort into reading this. I want you to know, that even if I may not reach you, I'll remember you as one of my readers,  if you're reading this now.

I know you are.

You still are.

No. Don't go.

So, I'll start putting up my actual first chapter in a days, once my draft is done.

I really put my heart into this, so hope you like it.

This book, it's sort of random. That's exactly why I haven't given you a synopsis.

I mean,  sometimes I want to make it fun for you, as a reader to enjoy it, if my mood is happy.

If I feel bad, I want to make myself feel better, so it might be a bit depressing to read.


It's a story.

About a girl,

Who's really trying to struggle,

To fit into this so called,


In the game of life.
《 Preview : 2》

♢1: Loop to be seen♢

"This is that never-ending game of life, you cannot get out of. You're involved in it, and there's nothing you can do about it. You can only either absolutely play and win, or absolutely learn to play and win." ~Anna


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