Ch 14

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I took deep breaths worried if I tell him and he thinks this isn't a big deal.

"I moved here two months ago with my family to live with my grandma because she wasn't feeling well and we were going to go to school two weeks of us being here but... But she passed a- way.. after she had a stroke when in hospital."

I felt his hands tighten around me and I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"An- and I just visited her in the hospital two hours before it happened and she was perfectly fine... I- I just don't know what happened."
A tear fell to my cheek and I wiped it away as it ran down my face.

"Was she close to you."
He asked.

"She was very close, we would always come over for the holidays and she would sometimes come to America to visit us." I looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

I'm glad I told him it was like bricks were taken off my shoulders all this stress is gone well not all...

"So what was she like."
Josh asked trying to comfort me.

"She was so sweet but if you ever disobey her she can turn to satin in a blink of an eye, she was also the one who got me into art and music she... Was my inspiration to life."

"She sounds lovely." He wishpered.

"She was."

We sat in silence for a bit just relaxing

"So tell me about her um... which side of the family is she from." He asked breaking the silence.

"She's from my mom's side her name was Elizabeth swan but we called her great Eliza." I told him taking a deep breath once again but trying not to laugh at the same time.

"What's so funny." He asked confused because this was such a sad moment but I always had to laugh at the wrong moments.

"Do you know Hamilton." I asked with a corner smile which meant no good news.

"Yeah, why."
He asked unsure.

"Well me and her were in love with it so we called her great Eliza as she was better then the real Eliza in her terms." I laughed a little again. I loved are little inside jokes they were so funny.

"She seemed to be an important part of your life and i know how hard it is to let someone go but you can't just not talk about them like they were never there." He explained.

"But it's just easier sometimes to just do that because if you tell people they'll have pity on you and it's hard to talk about this stuff to my brothers because they would... They would actually start to cry." I took a deep breath trying to not cry myself.

"And it's hard for me to see that side of them because I never do they always have to much pride to let that side come out so when it dose you break down too... So it's best not to talk about it. She was way to close to them... To us."

He rocked me in his arms for a little bit. "Do you want to go home school will be over soon and your brothers will be woundering where you are."
He asked.

"Yeah, sure." I answered.

We went out to a nearby fuel staytion and called a taxi to bring us to my place.


"Where home honey."
I heard two of my brothers shout from the front door which made a loud bang as it hit the wall.

"I'm in the sitting room."
I shouted even louder at them in frustration as they interrupted my quiet time.

"No need to be moody."
Max shouted at me as he came in the door.

"Ya well you shouted first." I snapped back throwing an empty water bottle at him which successful hits him on the forhead.

He screeched and Joseph came in the door after him laughing his butt off.

But then Joseph stopped laughing and looked at Max with a scared expression and Max looked back at him with the same face.

Max quickly took out his phone tapping it aggressively and then turned to Joseph. "Yeah it's time."

I looked at them both confused and they stared at me terrified. "What's time." I asked.

"Joseph go get some cakes, some ice cream and get the kettle on, I'll get the hot water bottle."
Max said to Joseph and then running upstairs probably getting the hot water bottle.

What are they doing. Well I didn't really care at first but as I thought about It I got angry.
"Really guys you have a tracker app for my cheese and you can tell I have it just by me being a little over aggressive." I shouted at them and they both shouted in response.

"Well your welcome."

"What do you mean your welcome." I shouted even more frustrated then before.

"Because we're such good brothers that actually think about things and we heated your bed made you desert's and a hot water bottle for your cramps when your on your cheese." He said with a bright small as they both came back from running around the house.

Aw their so sweet I hate them so much those stupid rats. OMG, I'm starting to cry.

They saw that I was tearing up and started to say 'Aw' and came up to me and gave me a tight hug.

"I love you guys so much." I mumbled.

"We love you to." They both said.

"Are you just emotional because your on your cheese." Joseph asked.

What a great way to ruin the moment Joseph just great.

I gave him a death stare.
"I'm going to my room before I vomet or my cramps get any worse, bye."
I said slapping Joseph's back.

"Ow.... I told you Max she is more aggressive on her cheese."


If you guys are wondering WHAT THE HELL DOSE SHE MEAN BY 'CHEESE' it's her secret word for her period because she hates cheese and she hates her period.

(Don't worry she only likes cheese on pizza.)

Hope you enjoyed this chapter see you whenever I post again or if I ever do.

Word count 1051

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