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"No, I'm not helping you again," he stood behind the desk arms crossed, purposefully not making eye contact with Christine.

"But Jimmy," she leaned over the desk, giving him an intentional glance down her top, "I need to see him."

Jimmy, a short, stacked man with a buzz cut kept his eyes down. This was not the first time Christine had wanted to see Jutterford Jail's most infamous inmate. She knew the schedule and had always turned up for Jimmy when she wanted to talk with Kevin Kline.

"This isn't just a social visit though Jimmy," she started a fake blubber, one perfected over the years to be as convincing as real tears.

"No Christine."

"My friend died, I need him to help me find her killer," the crocodile tears were beginning to roll down her face.

"Nope," he kept his head down.

"Then it's a conjugal visit," the tears turned off, they weren't going to work.

"He's paralysed, what could he possibly do that you can't get on the outside?" He finally glanced up and then slightly down to her cleavage.

"It's not his cock I'm in love with Jimmy, he's not the lover I'm sure you are," she winked and bit her lower lip.


"I'm in love with his mind, it's so sexy..."

"Christine stop," Doug's voice came from behind her, "Jimmy, how's the wife and kids?"

He bolted at the sight of Doug like a naughty school boy who'd been caught doing something wrong.

"They're fine detective, Izzy just started school."

"Excellent, do us a favour. We need to see Kevin as part of an investigation," he leaned over the desk in the same pose Christine was; though he looked much less seductive. "It is a matter of urgency so if you do this for me I promise I'll sort out the paperwork tomorrow and backdate it."

"Doug, I trust you will but you have to appreciate that seeing Kevin is more difficult than any others here."

"I know but..."

"Doug, he's not only nuts - he's famously nuts. He's a complete lunatic. The press are all over him, even now, three years on. There isn't a week I don't get someone wanting to see him."

"Jimmy, I know, but he's the best puzzle solver I've ever met and we have a code that needs cracking before someone else dies tonight. I know," he placed both hands gently, palm down on the desk, "I really do know and appreciate how big a favour this is. I want you to remember you could be saving someone's life."

There was a pause in which both Christine and Doug stared at the increasingly diminutive prison guard. He'd learned this trick from Christine herself - the long pause, it always made them break if used at the right time.

""Fine," Jimmy whispered presenting a form from underneath the desk. He placed a pen in front of Doug who needed no further instruction. He picked it up and signed the form. "Come with me."

Jimmy handed the visitors their passes and left his sanctuary behind his desk. He spun a set of keys around his fingers and lead then through the cast iron gates that were next to the guard station. Two young but very large men searched them and nodded at Jimmy to proceed.

Jimmy and Doug went ahead as Christine struggled. She had not been lying back at the reception, she did find Kevin attractive. It wasn't in the way that women fall deeply in love with an inmate on death row, it was more than that. In him she thought she had found her intellectual equal, it genuinely was his brain she found sexy.

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