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The water had risen above Christine's right eye as she lay on her side, curled up as much as possible. The tap ran slow enough to not to make much noise, just a gentle, indistinguishable trickle. Carl wouldn't notice anyway as the girl in his living room had begun giggling playfully.

She closed her eye out of habit. She had always hated swimming with her eyes open in her youth. She pushed herself up with her feet so she sat as best she could in the bath, slowly so not to alert Carl. Her chin was jut above the waterfall tap valve. She slowly leaned her chin on it to turn the water off and lowered herself back down so she was curled up on her side.

Her mouth squirmed desperately trying to create an opening for the water to seep into the tape's adhesive and loosen it. It was beginning to work. She could tastes the adhesive running into her mouth, soaking the sock that gagged her. She continued, she could get some movement on the fabric in her mouth now by pushing her tongue on it.

The giggles continued but were now interrupted by groans of pleasure. Christine had the give on the tape to make some muffled screams. She felt relieved it had worked but knew that a scream would not end well for either her or Carl's latest conquest. Tomorrow two women would be found with a smiley face and a bunch of numbers cut into her cheek.

Finally an end came loose and she sat up in the bath. Using her shoulder she slowly and clumsily peeled off the tape and spat out the sock. She frantically caught her breath.

The sound of the bedroom door closing gave her a moment's respite. At least now two doors separated her from Carl. Now he thought he had her Christine felt that the girl was safe, he'd get his end off and come to her to get tonight's real thrill.

She slipped out of the bath head first and thumped to the floor.

"Shit," she hissed more annoyed that she made a sound than the pain from the impact, "shit, shit, shit."

She lay there motionless waiting for Carl to enter.

* * *
Doug's Renault Clio wasn't quick but the way he revved the engine and swung it around the corners you would have thought it was an F1 car.

He had no idea what he would find when he got to the residence of Carl Fontage but he knew he wouldn't leave empty handed. He swerved down a side road, sure it was narrow and windier but he knew the main roads had speed bumps and now was no time for traffic calming devices. Not to mention he knew it was a favourite spot for police cars trying to catch speeding drunkards.

He glanced at his phone, still nothing. He still had not got a reply from Christine. He slowed down just enough to call her and put it on speakerphone just as a white Skoda taxi came at him in the other direction. He had just enough time to swerve out the way but managed to scrape he side of his car on a metal pedestrian guard.

"Christine, I think I've cracked the code. I think it's about you, it's always been about you. If Carl is your ex I'm guessing it's him and I'm on my way. That girl from Condor is likely the next victim. Call me back asap."

He shouted down the phone letting the tape run as he swung his car around a corner. He wasn't far, another ten minutes by his best guess.

*   *   *

She had managed to wriggle her hands free by rolling her wrists over themselves. Weakened adhesive and loosened not and she slipped out the bind.

Normally the sticky residue on her hands would bother her, causing her to make her fingers squirm and every squelching separation, but she paid it no heed.

She raised herself to her feet, shaking. The adrenaline from escaping the bindings was wearing off and one look in the mirror showed she was tired. She breathed out slowly, heavily as she ran her fingers across the bruise on her cheek and the swollen lip. She ran the tap into her palms and splashed her face hoping to rehydrate the bags under her eyes.

Yarrow: The Smiley KillerWhere stories live. Discover now