Little fall

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Brad - keira wake up tris is nearly here get ready sweetheart

Keira - morning daddy ok I'll go get ready
5mins later

Keira - I'm ready dad

Brad ok tris is here with the boys
Keira - yey are we going to my horse today
Brad - yes of course darling
Your mums making breakfast quickly
Caitlin - here you go baby

I quickly eat my breakfast and get in my car
Tris - you buckled in

Keira - yes uncle tris
James -  you ready
Con - lets gooooo
A while later

Tris - where here finally

Con -my little  legs are dead
James - con stop moaning where here aren't we

Tris ok James help her get on the horse

James - one two three oh my Your getting
Keira - I know I'm a big girl now uncle James
James - yes u sure are
Con Keira still be care full
Keira - I will I will

Where on our hack and my horse starts to act funny

Keira - uncle tris what's she doing
Tris - I'm not sure

The next minute Keira's horse bucks her off and she falls on the floor

Tris - oh Keira are you ok
Con Keira you ok
James I have a first aid kit in the car I'll get it
Con bring plasters

Tris we'll get you cleaned up

Keira I don't want to do that again
Tris - she just got scared it's ok  you got scared to didn't you
Keira - yeah a little bit

James ok here you go
Keira - thank you uncle James
James - it's ok darling

Con  -Do you want a hug

Keira - yes please group hug

Tris - we all should have a group hug like she said come  here guys

James - aww group hug

Con - you ok now Keira
Keira - yeah thank you

Con - it's ok sweet heart lets go home
Tris - good idea

Hey thank you so much for 220 reads
Caitlin xxx

Abused.........  so sorry for all the spelling mistakes Where stories live. Discover now