Canada (Part 2)

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~ Repost (2) ~


It was silent for a few moments while you stared at him and he groaned, rubbing his head which he must've hit. Then you snapped out of it and cried, "Are you okay?", sliding out of your bed to approach him. He looked up at you and backed up rapidly, fear clear in his eyes. You stopped and held out your hand like he was a dog. "It's alright, I'm not going to hurt you."

"W-Where's Kuma?"He asked, searching the black  room.You knew how much that bear meant to him so you went straight for the lights to aid his search, and once they were on, you traveled all around your room to help find the polar bear. But he was nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe he didn't come with you?" You shrugged. "What happened, anyways?" Sure you reposted that image, but that couldn't be why he appeared, right? You stopped for a second, staring blankly at the wall. Why else would he be here? "Did you just, like, suddenly pop up here?"

"I think so," he said quietly. Canada checked inside your closet after glancing your way in case that wasn't ok.

You turned to him. "No explanation whatsoever?" He nodded. "Huh." You thought a moment. "I didn't take you away from anything important, did I?"

"N-No," he shook his head. You left the conversation to try to adjust to your predicament. Although, it felt like you already had. Sure there really wasn't an explanation for why he came here, but as long as it wasn't a problem, you didn't see a reason to figure out a solution immediately. If this was your only chance to hang out with a cute fictional character, you didn't want to send him right back.

"Any luck?" You finally said, pulling your head out from under your desk and standing up straight again. His eyes jumped to meet yours and your eyebrows creased a little. Was he just staring at your butt?

"No. Where do you think he could be?" He glanced at your door. You walked over and threw it open, heading out onto the hardwood floor. It was a little cooler out here than in your room.

"Do you think it's possible he stayed at home or wherever you were before you appeared in my bedroom?" You wondered aloud. A rattling sound like glass bottles being clinked together made you freeze, eyes big and alert. Your heartbeat quickened at the hasty sound of someone searching through your fridge.

You turned back to Canada and saw his eyes were as wide open as your own. You motioned for him to follow you and to keep quiet, and when he nodded, you padded into a neighboring room silently and looked for something to knock out the thief. This had happened to you before (don't ask) so you moved to the spot you had put the folding chair you used on the last burglar.

You crept towards the kitchen with fierce determination in your eyes, ready to take the intruder out. Canada was right behind you, resisting the urge to hold onto your arm out of fear. You took a big breath to steel yourself, then leaped into the kitchen and flipped on the light switch, bringing the chair back to smash over the person's head.

But luckily for Kuamjiro, you faltered at the sight of a polar bear and not a person, so you ended up missing on your swing.

"Kuma!" Canada said, pulling the bear into his arms. You set the feet of the chair on the floor and sighed, your heartbeat slowing as you rested your arms on the back of the chair. "What's in your fur?" Canada mumbled, putting his finger in something too fluffy to be the bear's fur.

"Whip cream," you answered, looking down at Kuma with an unhappy expression. You then took a quick survey of the fridgeーwhich was wide open and had many items knocked over or emptyーand noticed the whip cream cans were open and probably empty. "Why were you eating all my whip cream?"

"Who are you?" was his reply. You just sighed, shook your head, and pet him.

"It's nice to meet you Kumajiro."

"That's his name?" Canada tilted his head and you smiled. They could never remember each other's names, could they?

"Well, I'm gonna have to clean this up," you gestured to the fridge mess. "You want anything to eat?"

"Are you sure? It's my fault he made a mess, I could do it," Canada whispered.

"Nah, it's cool," you winked. It looked like his cheeks got a little red but he hid his face behind Kuma so you weren't sure. "I'm afraid I don't have maple syrup or pancakes but if you'd like anything else," you made a sweeping gesture to the rest of the kitchen. "Feel free to look for something." His eyes made a sweep of the room before he walked around, so you turned to the mess.

A few minutes later the mess was gone and you were dusting off your hands. "Done." Canadaーwho was watching Kuma walk around on your tableーswitched his attention to you. While you spun around, you saw the darkness outside the window reminding you of the late hour. As if your body just remembered it should be tired, you let out a yawn.

"You guys tired?" You asked. Canada nodded. He wasn't actually tired, he was saying yes for your benefit. "Alright. I don't have a spare guest room, but I do have an amazing couch so I hope you don't mind." You led them into your family room and presented the couch with a flourish and a grand smile like you were trying to sell it to them.

"That's ok," he assured you with a grin. You grabbed a blanket and handed it over, then waited for him to get comfy on the furniture. "I have a pillow if you want." He laid his head on the armrest and declined the offer via a shake of his head. Seeing as he was situated, you headed for the lights and flipped them off. The light provided by the light you left on in the kitchen was enough to see most of the room. "We'll talk more about your situation in the morning when I'm not so sleepy." You headed for your bedroom. He'd have to go back home soon enough, but all that could wait until tomorrow.

"Mmph mm ghomh gmmm?" He said, his face in Kuma's fur so you couldn't hear him clearly.

"What?" You paused on your journey out of the room. His face turned bright red but he moved a few centimeters away from Kuma.

"Can I have a kiss goodnight?"

"Of course!" You strided back over to him and bent down, kissing his warm cheek. You smiled and wheeled around to head back to your room, calling over your shoulder "If you need anything don't hesitate to wake me." Once you were back in your room, the shy Canadian sighed happily. Kuma gave him a look that said 'You aren't that sly, and stop smiling like an idiot' but Canada ignored him.

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