...I need help.

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_yumkookie your wish is my command, oh beloved reader~ ✨ *insert fairy with big ass wand and fluffy ass dress here*


"Since when do I call you kitten, Yoonie?" I gulped, already feeling blood rushing down to my crotch.

"Since we came across that movie Namjoon hyung left on." Yoongi mumbled, tilting his head to the side confusedly. "Did you loose your memory, hyung?"

"Sure feels like it..." I sighed, then turned to Yoongi. "We- Well, um, kitty, how about you tell me what that movie was about? I can't remember a thing about it." Maybe it's a porn movie? Since the Namjoon I remember is a total pervert, it wouldn't surprise me... But, why did I think watching something like that with Yoongi was a good idea?

"Because we didn't actually watch it, dum dum~" The younger giggled, and my head went light.

"Mind showing me what we did?" I bit my lip, and Yoongi's cheeks flushed as he moved to straddle my hips, resting his bum right on top of my semi.

His hips started to move in circles hesitantly, making me throw my head back with my eyes closed. The younger started grinding harder against me, and I let out a groan, him whimpering cutely not long after.

Before I could lean up and capture his pink lips in a kiss— one I've been waiting for for a long ass time, mind you— a pair of fists pounded against the door.

"Leave the birthday sex until after dinner!" Jin screamed exasperatedly. "I don't want to be unable to eat because of your loud ass moans!"

Yoongi flushed harshly and covered his face with his hands, and I chuckled softly at his cute antics, sitting up and pressing a kiss atop his head. "Sorry, Jinnie!"

Damn, I think I'm gonna like it having Yoongi as the maknae. My maknae.

No one else's.

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