Part 1

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"Are you sure, Sirius?" Remus asked quietly as they stop at the end of the drive to Number Four, Privet Drive, Little Whinging.
"Of course I am," Sirius replied confidently, and he began down the garden path. Remus looked around worried then quickly followed. Sirius reached the door and drew out his wand, then thought twice, stuffing it back into his pocket. He knocked smartly on the door, not bothering with the little knocker. It was quite late, the sun had already vanished, but there were still voices echoing inside the house. They could here a grumbling coming down the hallway and shortly following the door opened. Quickly, Sirius stepped his foot into te door frame, preventing the suddenly purple face of Vernon Dursley to push the door shut.
"Hello, Vernon, I am here to take my godson," and with that Sirius stepped into the house and quickly bound Dursley. Sirius marched through the house until he reached the living room which he locked the door of to prevent Petunia to come out. He then, listening to the muffled noises of the Dursley's, proceeded to the cupboard under the stairs. He unbolted and opened the door. Inside, a timid looking 8 year old looked up at Sirius. Harry was the spitting image of the friend Sirius had lost, the sight took his breath.
From the front door, Remus called down the hall, "Sirius, hurry up! We don't have long!"
With that, Sirius bent down to Harry's level, "Listen, Harry, I am your godfather, and im going to take you away. Okay?" The scared boy looked up to the strange man, but he wouldn't wait another minute, he had wanted this his whole life, to get away from the Dursley's. Very slowly, Harry began to nod and Sirius swept him up in his arms, rushing out the door. Remus followed but quickly unbound Vernon and unlocked the doors.
Sirius, with Harry in his arms, and Remus ran down the street. Only when it was clear did they Apperate to Grimmauld Place.


They arrived at Grimmauld Place only a second later, after being compressed into timeless space. Harry was stunned, he was about to cry out when he remembered what uncle Vernon had told him, Don't make a noise, unless you are spoken to. Sirius placed the little eight year old on the front step as he opened the door, and led them inside and down to the basement kitchen.
"Hello, Harry," Sirius now said in a warming, father like voice, "Are you hungry?" Harry was looking at his feet as he stood at the doorway, not fully in the room, not wanted to be seen. He was not used to being addressed and looked up in surprise. Sirius saw his orb like eyes in his sunken and skinny face, only now in the light Sirius saw how skinny Harry was. Sirius looked up to Remus in disbelief as he realised how the Dursley's have treated him. "Harry," Remus now said, "Would you like something to eat." Harry nodded slowly, but looked quickly down to his feet, nervous. Remus turned away and began to make a chicken soup over a fire that had not been there a moment before.
"Come sit down Harry," Sirius said, as he made is way over to the table, Harry wondered why he was here, and what was happening. Harry sat timidly and a bowl of steamy soup was placed in front of him, he didn't know how to react, he had never had a full meal in his life. "Harry?" Harry looked up quickly, "Are you okay? Do you want to know why you are here?" He nodded slightly to Sirius's question and Sirius began to tell his story.

"When you were just one year old, an evil, dark wizard, was out to get you. On Halloween night he came to your parents house looking for you. And when he got to your house, your parents, Lily and James were their names, tried to get him to go away, but-" Sirius's voice began to break, "he wouldn't, so, the evil wizard... killed them..." Sirius took a shaky breath, his eyes filled with tears but he blinked them back. "Then he came to your room, and he tried to kill you too. But you didn't die, something went wrong, but thats how you got that scar." Harry had always wondered about the scar, but he was full of more questions.
He suddenly spilled out with them in one rush, "but Uncle Vernon told me they died in a car crash? And what do you mean a wizard? Who was it?" But Sirius couldn't respond so Remus broke in. "Harry, your Uncle Vernon, lied to you, both me and Sirius are wizards, and so was your dad, and your mum was a witch."
Harry was stunned. Everything swirled in his head, but only one question remained. "Why am I here?" He regretted it as soon as he said it and bent his head in dismay. He stood and walked towards them both, expecting to be beaten for speaking when not spoken to. Remus saw this and was horrified, "Harry, Im not going to hit you." Harry was surprised, but continued to hang his head. "You're here because you should be brought up in a wizard world, with people like yourself."
He didn't know what to say, but a sudden panic swept over him. What will Uncle Vernon do when he gets back? Harry felt sick and he fell down to the floor...

Sirius and Remus jumped up and bent down to harry. Sirius's hands shook as he checked Harry's pulse. "Don't worry, he's just fainted, he's probably tired." He picked up harry and stood up, "We should take him up to bed." Remus lead the way up to the bedrooms, at the second landing he turned off into their room and laid Harry down onto the bed.
Remus conjured two chintz armchairs and they both sat next to the bed. "He's so small," Sirius whispered, looking at the sleeping Harry, "You can see his bones." Sirius looked worriedly up to Remus, "What have they done to him? He thinks he's going to be beaten every time he speaks."
Remus placed his hand onto Sirius's arm, silently comforting him. A meaningful look passed between them. Harry began to stir, he opened his eyes and two figures came into focus. He still hadn't looked at the two men properly, one had sleek, dark, long hair, tied into a ponytail. He had a smooth face with strong features. The other man was paler and his skin was ripped with scars, Harry couldn't help but stare.
"Are you okay now, Harry?" Sirius asked, still a worried look dominated his face. Harry realised he was being addressed and at once sat up quickly. A wave of dizziness washed over the skinny boy but he kept up right. "Lie back down and get some sleep. Harry was soon asleep but somewhere in the back of his mind was an anxious feeling.
"He's scared of me," Remus said outright, "The way he looked at me." He didn't meet Sirius's eye.
"No, he's not scared of you, he's scared of everyone.

Thank you for reading Part one. Part two coming soon.

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