The Pact

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Clarke hid the rifle Octavia had given her under her cloak and made her way to where Indra was waiting; she kept to the shadows and managed to slip in the gate with a group of peddlers. Once inside the city she mingled with the city crowds until she was standing beside the former Trikru General...

Keeping her gaze straight ahead she whispered "Don't act surprised but It's me." Clarke turned and pulled her hood back just enough for Indra to see her face; Indra glanced at her and looked back out into the crowd never changing her expression. Even though she had been expecting Octavia she didn't look at all surprised to see Clarke "So you aren't dead after all?" Indra stated.

Clarke sighed "I guess the gods think I have too much left to do" she paused "I spoke to Lincoln and Octavia they're waiting for you in the woods. Bellamy was trying to get in the city but was taken by the guards, I need to find him and I need to know if Kane is alright."

"I saw Kane and the others today as they went in to the meeting of the clans, they were fine then, but now I am not so sure and I have an idea where they may have taken Bellamy." They began to walk through the city.

Night had begun to fall but the city streets were still filled with people, and except for a few torches and communal fires the city was growing dark, but that was to their advantage, the darkness and the crowds covered their movements as they made their way into an alley where they could talk without being overheard.

"Bellamy is most likely in the underground chambers that Titus uses. Since he is planning on killing Kane and the others, he would probably have standing orders that any Skaikru captured be taken there."

Indra looked at Clarke, there was no love or loyalty lost between the two women, she understood Heda's attraction for the sky girl and even understood the need for an alliance, although she didn't always agree with Heda about how to go about it. But Indra had grown to respect the strength that the sky people had, especially Octavia and Kane. She knew Octavia was growing into a strong warrior and Indra was proud of her. But it was Kane that Indra had grown to respect as a leader, she saw in him the strength of an entire people. He could be a great General, but Clarke was their Heda. Indra understood that she was a symbol to her people, and she was growing to at least respect the tenacity of this girl who has defied death so many times. If Lexa's coalition was to remain strong Polis would need them both.

Clarke furrowed her brow "How would Titus explain their sudden deaths?"

"He will say that they left Polis, I am sure he will have a very convincing reason as to why and he said he was going to have their bodies taken out of the city and then when they are found, most likely by a hunter, their deaths can be attributed to the kill order or perhaps someone seeking revenge."

"How did you hear about Titus plan for Kane?" Clarke asked.

"I had made my way to the alley near the Flemkapa Chamber, that's where I found your friend; he had made his way into the city through the tunnels, we overheard Titus talking to his guards. I came here to warn Lincoln and Octavia and he went to warn Kane."

Clarke looked puzzled "What friend?"

"The one who was killed by Titus just as you were."

Clarke gasped and she grabbed Indra arms "Murphy is here?! He's not dead? Are you sure?"

Indra looked down at the hands tightly gripping her arms and gave Clarke a rather menacing look. Clarke removed her hands "Sorry.....but when I saw Murphy this morning he was fighting reapers, I thought he was dead."

Indra looked around the alley, "He may well be by now. Titus planned to capture Kane after today's meeting ended and that was hours ago." Indra expression went from stern to worried "They should have been waiting for me here."

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