The end

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***Please note that I do not own The 100 but this story is all mine.**

So this takes place S3 after E7. 'What happens after Lexa is killed'


"Octavia why do you keep looking behind you"? Indra asked as she watched the young warrior/woman, who was once her trusted second and now her friend, again look behind her into the distance.

Octavia signed "I guess I keep thinking that Clarke will show up. I don't understand decisions she's made but she's always put SkaiKru first. Maybe she's not who I thought she was. I thought if she came back to Arkadia with me that she could get them to hand over Pike and stop this war."

"Sometimes it seem that War is all the 12 clans know; it is how we have survived" Indra rode slowly looking straight ahead "This war of the clans has been brewing for a long time. I am not sure that even Clarke kom Skaikru could stop it."

"I know but at least Clarke could have....." Octavia thoughts were cut off when Indra stopped and raised her hand for silence. Octavia didn't question her mentor but just listened, they both looked behind as they heard a rider approving. Octavia drew her sword and Indra her dagger as they turned their horses towards the rider.

A lone horseman raced towards them "Hod op Indra kom Trikru" "Hod op!"

Indra lowed her dagger "it is Mikal kom Trikru. He was under my command before being chosen to serve Heda. While we have nothing to fear from him, his coming here can only be a foreshadowing."

Octavia lowers her sword but does not sheath it.

Mikal rides in fast "Indra, You must return immediately and you Octavia kom Skaikru you must get to Arkadia if you wish to live."

Indra's face hardens "What has happened, the blockade doesn't go into effect until dawn."

Mikal pauses and looks from Indra to Octavia and back to Indra "Heda, Lexa kom Trikru is dead Ticha"

Octavia sheaths her sword slowly as the words penetrate 'dead, dead? The coalition will fail without Lexa. What will that mean for Skaikru. For my friends' she thinks to herself.

Indra is shaken but always the warrior she puts aside emotions "How?" she asks sharply.

The Capital Warrior sits a bit taller and glares at Octavia "Wanheda. She killed her."

"No!" Octavia shouts "No. She wouldn't.... she couldn't" Octavia wasn't sure of the relationship between Clarke and Lexa but it was more than just leaders, friends at least, maybe more "Clarke couldn't, if you are Clarkes friend she will die for you, not kill you." She said to Indra.

Indra turned to her fellow Trikru warrior "Tell us what happened."


Nate Miller stood watch in the Guard Tower overlooking the gate to Arkadia. As Sergeant of the Guard he was responsible for the duty Guards and for maintaining the security watch. The turret stood higher than the surrounding walls and provided him with an almost 360 degree view. Arkadia backed up to a mountain range to the East and to the North but to the West and South faced the valley with wide open spaces. Guard regularly patrolled the mountains but the tower was the main defensive position in what might have started as a small community but was rapidly becoming a fortress. A prison.

He pulls the binoculars up to his eyes and scans the surrounding valley; he then lowers them and squints, then pulls them back up and yells to the guard on the ground.

"Rider coming!"Miller calls out.

Lou, a guard from farm station yells back "Who?"

"Don't know but we'll find out soon enough they're coming in fast"

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