We meet again part: 1

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Masaomi's P.O.V.

"Hurry up we're leaving in 7 minutes to go to mom's friends will reading! Ugh, we're already 12 minutes late." I shouted to everyone. It's been 10 months since mom and Rintarou-San got the divorce and since we talked to Ema. When we asked Yusuke if he's been talking to her he replied with that she graduated earlier and that he hasn't seen her around the house that was a few blocks away from the Meiji University.

"Masa-nii, did mother tell you whose will reading we're going to yet?" Asked Ukyo.

"No, the person who sent the letter to mom didn't say. But I do know that this friend of her is very important."

When everyone finally finished we got into separate cars and drove off. As soon as we went inside the room holding mom' friends will reading. I was surprised to see a baby carrier covered in a blanket beside a young lady with brown shoulder-length hair. Mom coughed to get her attention.

"Um, Miss are we in the right room?" Me and my brothers were staring at the brown haired lady until she finally stood up and faced us. I shocked to find out who she was. "Ema?" Me and everyone else whispered in shock.

Ema's P.O.V

When I stood up and faced them I could see their shocked expression. What did they not know that this is papa's will reading. Then again when I wrote the letter to them I was half asleep because I wrote it in 3 am.

"No, your in the right room. But why are you 20 minutes late?" I asked with an arched brow. Then I heard my otouto soft whimper. I bent down towards the carrier and removed the blanket only to see him awake. I picked him up and cradled him in my arms.

Brothers P.O.V

Please tell me that's not her child! We hopefully thought.

Narrator's P.O.V

After they finally got over the shock of seeing her again they took a seat on the couches or arm chairs. Not even a minute after a man with long sliver hair came inside the room with a bottle of water.

"I got the water you wanted Ema."

"Thanks Juli."

Juli looked around the room to see the Asahina's finally here.

Brothers P.O.V

Please tell me he's not the father of that child. They all thought.

Narrator's P.O.V

Ukyo coughed as if to signify the start of the meeting. "I Hinata Rintarou being of sound and disposing mind and memory and not acting under influence or intimidation from anyone hereby proclaim to my ex-wife and friend. I give and bequeath the following property such as half my estate and any form of monetary to Asahina Miwa and I leave my house, the other half of my estate and any form of monetary as well as the legal guardianship for Hinata Ema and Tamaki to my close friend Risu Juli."

The Asahina's P.O.V (during the will reading)

This... this is Rintarou's will reading. They thought.

No, this can't be, if-if Rintarou died why... why wasn't I informed that he died and that this was his will reading? Thought Miwa while covering her month with both her hands, trying to keep the tears in.

Narrator's P.O.V

Ema started walking towards Miwa and gave her a comforting hug. Miwa was shocked.

"Please don't cry. Papa told me to make sure that you wouldn't cry at his will reading and that he was happy to have married you even if it was a short amount of time."

Ema pulled a small box and a letter out of her purse and handed it to her.

"On his death bed he told me to give you this." Ema closes her eyes and breathed in and out. "I'm-I'm sorry for not telling you about his death, I-I was having a hard time dealing with his death, I-I tried to call you and send you letters but my calls always ended up in voice mail and my letters always ended up being sent back to me. I also tried to visit you but you were either in a different city or country. And about the letter when I wrote it, it was 3 in the morning." Her voice was filled with remorse and she sounded like she was on the verge of crying.

"It-it's alright none of it was your fault. But if you don't mind me asking how-how did he die?" Miwa was hesitate on asking the question.

Ema looked straight in her eyes and answered her. "He-he was beaten by loan sharks a-and th-the damage were to severe to heal." After that Ema and Miwa finally broke into tears. After 5 minutes of crying Ema started walking out the room only to be stopped by Wataru.

"It's okay onee-Chan at least you have a boyfriend and a son right?"


Wataru points to Juli (who is frozen in shock). "Isn't he your boyfriend?" Then points to Tamaki. "And isn't he your son?"

"N-no Juli is like an uncle to me!" Her face crimson. "And-and Tamaki is my otouto." Then she stops and looks at the rest of the brothers (who are relieved). "And please do not tell you thought the same thing." She deadpans. In response she got sheepish chuckles and some avoiding eye contact. "I didn't think you all were that much of idiots." She muttered.

"Hey! We aren't idiots."

"And besides if anyone's the idiot here it's Yusuke."

"Shut up Fuuto!"

"Make me idiot!"

Before Yusuke could grab Fuuto by the collar a fist landed on both their heads.

"Please don't fight the last thing I need to day is otouto crying." She deadpans.

Both Yusuke and Fuuto are sporting throbbing red bumps on their head.

"Ema we should get going before me and you are late for work." Juli says, Ema nods in agreement. But before she leaves she bends down to Yusuke (who is still crouching from the hit) and kisses him on the cheek. "Thank you for everything and for supporting and believing me when I didn't believe in myself." She whispers in his ears than gives him another's kiss this time on the nose and hugs him, then leaves him to deal with his brothers jealousy.

Yusuke's P.O.V

S-sh-she kissed me. SHE KISSED ME! THE LOVE OF MY LIFE KISSED AND HUGGED ME!! This is the best day-

"Well doesn't someone look happy." Looks like the brat's jealous.


"Yeah, Masa-nii."

"What did Ema say to you?"

I felt my face heating up when I remembered what she said to me.

"Well?" Demanded Tsuba-nii.

"Well, she, um, said thank you."

"For what exactly?" Interrogated Iori-nii.

"For everything and for supporting and believing in her when she didn't believe in herself." Now I know face is probably more red than my own hair.

For the entire car ride I was given death glares or being interrogation for what she meant by that. But I didn't care because the woman I love kissed and hugged me.

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