New Problem and The Missing Locket Part 2

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Narrator's P.O.V

It has now been two weeks since their debt have been doubled and two weeks since Ema has now lost her locket. During that time the Asahina's are having a very hard time taking care of Tamaki.

"Masa-nii he's crying again!"

"Check to see if we have to change his diaper again."

"Yup!" He says while plugging his nose. As soon as he said that everyone moved away from him and all said:

"Change him!"

"What!? But, I changed him yesterday and the day before that!"

"Just change him Tsubaki/Tsuba-nii/Tsu-kun/Tsuba-chan!" He finally gave in and changed his diaper... while a stream of anime tears rolled down his face. After Tsubaki getting kicked countless times in the face finally manage to change him.

"Who knew it was so hard to take care of him?"

"I don't know Ukyo but.... he was worse than any of us combined that's for sure." Ukyo nods In agreement. 

"Why did I have to change him again?!" Tsubaki whines.

"There is no way I was going to change the little brat." Fuuto says.

"How did Ema even put up with him?"

"I wonder that myself you know." They all flinch at the voice.

"Ema-chan! When did you get here?" She ignores Kaname and walks over to Tamaki and gently picks him up.

"How are you Otōto~?" She coos softly. That's when the brothers took in her appearance. Her brown hair looks messier, dark bags under her eyes, tired eyes staring at Tamaki, extremely pale skin and she looks so painfully thin.

"Ema-San are... are you alright?" Ukyo hesitantly asks.


"Chii-Chan please tell us the truth." She just gave them a cold look.

"I said I was fine now let's leave it at that." She harshly said. Most of them flinched not used to hearing her talk that way. "Sorry. Didn't mean to talk like that."

"So, what are you doing here and how long were you here?"

"I came to see Otōto and I was here the entire time," she turns to face them, "you really need to lock your doors."

"Ema you seem a bit..."

"I seem a bit what Yusuke?"

"You seem more sad then usual." Her eyes briefly darkened before murmuring:

"Как вы даже могли сказать, что я был грустнее обычного?" She raised her eyebrow.

"Um, we couldn't understand that."

"That was the point." She deadpans, they sweatdropped.

"Just answer us already." Fuuto commanded.

"我強調這一切." They all gave up knowing she was going to answer them different languages. Than they heard her phone beep. "Oh, looks like it's time for me to leave." They all heard the disappointment in her voice. Before she left she looks towards them and asked:

"If you see a locket in the shape of a heart with four pictures inside with Otōto, Oji-San, my parents and papa please give it to me." Her expression was calm but her voice sounded like she was pleading to them.

"Okay if we find it we'll give it back to you." Masaomi says. She give a grateful smile before leaving. 


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