Chapter three: Everything is gone

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A week pasted then a month, and Leyla was spending all her time with her family having fun. Leyla and Ana would fight some of the time but then they got together again. Anyway it was a very long time since Leyla and Luis or Ana would fight. " OK guys so your mom and myself are going to the hospital because Sara is probably going to have the baby today OK. You be good kids"  "Omg dad, first of all where not kids, and second of all we are adults now" said Ana.  "Well thats the same thing Ana, your stupid." laughed Luis. "Stop it you idiot. Just because your two... TWO years older than me dosent mean that you are smarter!" "Stop it now!!! You still act like little kids! We need to go now... And don't act like babies!" Said Sofia. And there they both left.

" This is your fault! You're so INOYING!!" Yelled Ana. " Guys, stop it all ready. You two are the ones being inoying now." Then some minutes later everything stopped. "I'm going with mom and dad. I will come back later. Bye." And Leyla left to the hospital. There she asked the nurse where was Sara's room. The nurse looked at the computer to find the patients room. Then she said, " Sara is at room 125." " Thanks you" and Leyla hurried up to the room. She was about to knock when she heard someone crying. It wasn't just was her mom. Leyla got worried so she started knocking the door as fast as possible. There her dad opened the door. His face was sad and her mom was crying. There Leyla had a very bad feeling." What's wrong... Dad why do you have a serious face and why is mom crying." " Leyla... lets go outside the room and talk...let your mom have some time alone." "Dad you are freaking me out! Whats going on!" There leylas dad grabbed her arm and got her out of the room. "Ok we are here now! tell me whats going on! Im getting really worried dad." " The baby is healthy but. Hey... we are all having a hard time ok... Sara lost a lot of blood. Shes gone... she is in heaven now. she is with her husband and with David. They are all together now." Leyla could not believe what was going on. Leyla was heart broken to hear her mom cry, to see Saras new husband cry and to see her dad sad.

Later there at the house Eric (Saras new husband) was packing his and the babies things to go to America for a while. Leylas mom was not fully recover from what had happened to her best friend. After two hours leylas parents went to the airport with Eric and the baby, and the some minutes later they came back. " Mom..." said Luis, he dident even know what to say to help his mother, actually nobody knew what to say. A week passed and Sofia was still sad about what had happened. Leyla was was walking through the hallway when she saw her mom. She went to her and sat down next to her. " I know Sara is not with us any longer. But she is with you right now, even do you cant see her. You need to get happier because she would not like to see you sad and doing nothing. I know how you feel... That's what I felt for a very long time...and it hurt, I don't want you to feel the same way because you are also part of me mom." There Sofia hugged her daughter and started to cry, but this time it was not a sad cry. While they were hugging leyla felt as if she was the mom.

A month later, everything was back to normal. Sofia was sad that her best friend was gone but at least she wasent crying or being depressed anymore. "Hey we are leaving to the store to get food for dinner tonight and we will also get other things, ok. See you guys later." and Beto (Leylas dad) and his wife left to the store. " Im going to go for a walk, k" said Leyla and left. Leyla was walking on the park while listening to music. What Leyla dident know was that there was danger near her. There was a man, actually a the boss of all of the solders. There was going to be a other attack that nobody knew of. What Leyla dident knew either was that the man was the man who took David away.

There was mostly nobody in the park maybe only one or two people. Then leyla saw those people start to run and scream. She was listening to music and dident know what was going on so she took her earbuds off. Then she knew why all of the people were screaming and running, there were gunshots. When Leyla heard that she started to run as fast as she could. When she was running she heard even more gunshots, people screaming and crying. Then finally she got to the house but before she could get inside a man jumped out of a bush. he grabbed her and started to hit her as hard as he could. Leyla could not even yell, she could not say nothing, no word could come out of her mouth. All she felt was pain. Before she knew it she was bleeding.Luis saw what was happening and jumped on the man. They both started to fight. Leyla was on the floor. She dident know what was happening or what had happened, she was confused and felt a lot of pain. The she heard a gunshot and then silence. Before she knew it she only saw darkness once again.

She had passed out, but just for five minutes. Then little by little she opened her eyes. She saw her brother laying on the floor with blood. Leyla tried to stand up but she kept felling, so she crawled to her brother. " Luis...wake up. Luis please open your eyes. LUIS!!!DONT DO THIS TO ME!PLEASE!! LUIS!!!!"then Leyla started to cry and she kept yelling her brother's name. Then Luis opened his eyes. " Luis... It's ok. I'm going to get help. Don't worry. Just hold on" " Leyla.. I'm not going to make it." " NO! STOP! DON'T SAY THAT! YOU ARE GOING TO BE OK!" " I love you little sister." And then he closed his eyes. " NO!!! LUIS PLEASE!!! DON'T DO THIS! DONT DO THIS LUIS! NOOOO!!!" Leyla yelled and cried. With all of her strength she run inside the house. She found her sister that was about to go outside. " What's wrong Leyla! What is all of that noise!" Before Leyla could explain her sister puched her outside. Leyla fell on her back and then she saw that the house had exploted with her sister inside. The air threw Lea even farther we're she hit her head on the ground. There was Leyla on the floor hearing all of the screams, cries and gunshots. She couldn't believe what was happening. She wanted to wake up from her nightmare. " Why... WHY!!!" Those were her last words before she passed out again.

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