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I couldn't let this happen again to me the second time.  I just couldn't, I thought as I shook my head.

Strike a deal. Make an offer they won't refuse

Easier said than done Zurvie.  What do I even use to make deals?

I turned to meet the dark haired, green eyed boy who had grabbed my arm.

'We can sort this out, can't we?' I asked him daring to look at the emerald eyes. He laughed at me.

'Sure... So what do you want to sort out, muchacha,' he said with a heavily accented voice and I could clearly see the amusement in his eyes as the others laughed.

I felt my skin writhe in anger but I  needed to keep my cool. 'I can work for you,' I rushed out in a breath and they all bursted out laughing.

'As a stripper?' one of them asked.

'Name she looks like a puta,' another chirped in.

'A waitress,' one of them said and they all looked at him with weird looks. He looked younger than all of them with slicked gelled hair and a dimpled cheek.

'What?' he asked them blushing slightly. 'Who wouldn't like to take her in a sexy waitress outfit,' he shrugged of his embarrassment and they all murmured in agreement with him.

They laughed at their vile dirty thoughts as an image floated my mind bringing an unwanted memory.

Now's not the time Seth, I thought,  hoping he could hear me and he would listen.

You need to sound like you know what you are doing, or they won't listen and...

He trailed off but leaving me in complete understanding.

Taking in a deep breath, I started. 'Can I be taken to the boss now,  I have no time for these useless banters,' I said with a false air of pride cutting them off.

'Sure Amor, the boss will be very happy to see you,' another dark-haired, green eyed boy said. I could see the tattoos crawling up his neck and arms as he stuck his short-sleeved clad hands into his jeans.

He's joking don't be fooled

'Listen y'all green-eyed devils,' I said bringing out the gun from my clothes.

'No one should mess with me here,' pausing to look at their shocked faces before going on,  'I know y'all think y'all can overpower me and take the gun away. Cause unfortunately for you over bloated pigs,  y'all don't think I'm capable of killing,' I paused letting my words sink in.

'Y'all think I'm weak and I ain't got the balls to shoot one of y'all crazy devils down. Try me and I kill three of you before you can lay your hands on me.  This gun has killed one and it's not afraid to take another. You hear me?' I asked them, kicking a barrel away from where I stood.

The first boy who I had spoken to turned to the tattooed green-eyed and they spoke in low tunes to themselves before turning towards me again.

Nice work A but what's up with the accent

'You gay a problem with that?' I whispered under my breathe to him.

None whatsoever, please carry on

'Okay muchacha, you win but you have to give up the gun,' the green-eyed said.

'No way in hell am I giving you my gun sugar. I ain't stupid.  I'll keep my gun to myself and you keep your vile mouths to yourselves. Kapish?' I said shaking my head at them and they nodded in response.

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