I'm Better Than You

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"You know you don't have to do this," Ben said to Ellie.

It had been a few days since the brawl between Ellie and her mom, and a day since she got out of the hospital.

"I have to do this, Ben." Ellie said.

Ben understands that Ellie needs to face her mom, prove to her she isn't what her mom wants her to be, but Ben doesn't want her to be doing this before she is ready.

"Okay," Ben said, "I just don't want you to overdo it."

Ellie turns to Ben, "I was cleared out by the doctor," She started, "I'm fine."

The two continued in the prison, passing cells that are empty. Ellie's mom was going to remain in this old prison until they escort her back to the Isle of the Lost.

"Here cell is over there," Ben points to the one with the guards in front of.

Ellie nods and walks over to the cell. The guards nod at Ellie and she nods at the guards. She looks into the cell to see her mom chained by the magic suppressing chains mediating.

"Hello, mother." Ellie said.

You're ruining my chi," The Wicked Witch spoke still mediating.

Ellie crossed her arms on her chest, "Does that mean you learned your lesson?"

The women opened her eyes and looks at her daughter standing in front of her cell. The guards had their backs to the cell door. The women went to move, but could only get so far before the chains yanked her back.

"How fair," Wicked Witch said.

"You really want to get into fairness?" Ellie asks.

The witch looks from the chain to her daughter. Saying nothing but looking at her daughter. Noticing all her injures seemed to have healed but her left hands knuckles still had burn marks on them.

Very much like the Wicked Witch's face having some burn marks from that fire attack that Ellie threw at her.

"You look well," Wicked Witch said.

"As do you," Ellie said.

The witch goes to sit down on the bench, "You come here to wish me luck back on the Isle?"

"Came to say goodbye," Ellie said.

"Figures," Wicked Witch said.

Ellie frowns, "Look maybe you can learn that-,"

"I am who I am. I am wicked and I thought you were that too." Wicked Witch said.

Ellie shakes her head, "I'm Ellie. I am the daughter of Elphaba Thropp, I am not the Wicked Witch's daughter." She said.

"And like that you've disowned me?" Wicked Witch said.

"I've given you so many chances," Ellie said, "I'm done with it. Maybe after being back on the Isle, you'll learn more than being selfish."

The Wicked Witch got up from her seat and charged at the cell door, only to fall to the ground by the length of the chains. Ellie took a step back a bit scared, the guards stepped in front of her now facing the cell door.

"Coward!" Wicked Witch yells.

Ben walks over, "I think we should go,"

Ellie nods but says, "One second."

Ellie pushes pass Ben, walking pass the guards and stood in front of the door. She stared at her mother, throwing herself on the ground like a over dramatic child.

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