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The first time Billy really asked Steve out was two months after they kissed (and kept kissing, again and again and again). He had asked him as they were sitting in the backseat of the Camaro which had somehow become their safe haven.

"I was thinking," he said as he pulled for a miniscule moment away from Steve's lips. Steve just hummed, pulling Billy back with a hand on the back of his neck. "I want to... take you... on a date," Billy said in between kisses.

Steve frowned, "We can't really go out, can we? Not the kind of date you'd take a girl on."

"We could go to the cinema. Just two friends going to see a movie – nothing suspicious about that." There was this sincere hopefulness in Billy's eyes and so Steve found himself nodding and snaking his hand up his neck again.

The very next Friday, they were sitting at the local movie theatre, getting comfortable in the very last row of seats. They picked a midnight showing of A Nightmare on Elm Street which may not have been the best of ideas since the room was filled to the brim with scared girls wrapped in the arms of their boyfriends, who really only chose the film so they could get laid later.

Billy still managed to sneak his hand into Steve's, interlacing their fingers tightly without being noticed. Steve smiled, saw Billy smile back in his peripheral vision. And the world be damned, this was the best date he could have imagined.

A Brief History of Falling for Billy Hargrove [harrington x hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now