Chapter 4

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Chapter 4  

White. All white. Where am I? I ask myself, blinking. But with my eyes opened or closed, all I see is white. I tried to remember what had happened, how I had gotten here, where was I last.

I remembered being in the lab, working late. What else? It was agonizing, trying to remember experiences of my own life. Then it came back. The plants! I thought with a start. They were Intelligent Plants. How could they have broken loose all at once? Was it planned? But that seemed impossible. How could they formulate a plan to break loose at the same time? I sat up, but only got halfway there until the restraints kicked in. Then I remembered. The champagne!He hit me with a dart, the son of a bitch! I struggled with the restraints, trying to break free.

“Stay still, Ms. Masters, you won’t be going anywhere.”

I looked up, then realized that there was a large observation window across the room. It reminded me of the ones in that old-fashioned TV show, where the doctor figured out what was wrong with his patients in drastic ways. What was that show called? Anyways, I saw a man looking down at me with a smirk on his face.

“Where am I?” I asked, giving up on my efforts to break free from my restraints. “Who are you? How did I get here?”

“Wow, slow down there, sweetcheeks. You’ll find out soon enough. We just need to keep you here until it’s all over.”

He kept his childish smirk on throughout his words. His condescending air bothered me. Was it because I’m a woman? I thought. Or was there more to it.

“I need to go,” the man said. “By the way, my name’s Jerry. Jerry Elland.”

He walked out of the room, but I could still taste the scent of superiority from my bed. I really hate this man. I thought to myself. He’s a real dick.

I looked around the room, trying to get a sense of my surroundings. House! I thought. That’s it, the name of that show was House M.D. But what did this have to do with anything. I stopped thinking of it, and decided to focus on how I could get out of here. I had a monitor at my bedside, displaying my heart rate and blood pressure and a few other things that were meaningless to my eyes. I looked around the white padded walls, seeing cameras in all four corners of the room. Great! I thought. Now I’ll never be able to get out of here. If I move one hand, they’ll be on me like bees on honey.

I decided to relax. I had nothing to do. I obviously couldn’t escape from there even if they had given me the key to my door. I was just drifting off when that snide voice came back through the intercom.

“You’ve got quite the spirit.” he said, and I looked up to see Jerry Elland’s smirk plastered on his face.

“Thanks.” I replied dryly, not wanting to talk to the condescending dickhead.

“But seriously, aren’t you going to try to escape. You’re not even struggling with the restraints anymore. I thought women were stronger than this.” Now that comment was simply out of line. This asshole was just directly insulting women now.

“What do you want, cause you’re “charming” demeanor is not going to make me have sex with you.”  

“That is not my intention,” he said. “I just want to make you feel comfortable.”

“Well, it is obviously not working,” I sighed. Can I just go to sleep? I thought to myself.

“I’m guessing that you want me to go, in which case I will.”

Thank God. I thought. I have earned a little rest after all this.

“-- But,” he was saying. “You need to actually cooperate with us, or we’ll force you to.”

“Sorry?” I said, suddenly dreading the answer.

“I was saying that you will continue to work, just under different circumstances.”

“What circumstances?” I said, struggling to comprehend what he was saying.

“You're going to help us raise an army,” he said. There was complete silence for a few seconds, then his pager rang. He left in silence.

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