Austin & Ally Movie (Part 3)

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At Sonic Boom...

Trent: Dez it's been an hour...

Dez: So?

Trent: You're still checking me for CDs...

Dez: Again, so?

Trent: It's been an hour!

Dez: An hour since what?

Trent: Since you starting checking me!

Dez: Started checking you for what?

Trent: THE CDS!

Dez: Oohhhh... Wait... What CDs?

Trent: Gosh you're an idiot!

Dez: Who's an idiot?

Trent: You are!

Dez: Who's that?

Trent: YOU!

Dez: Yeah, I know that. I'm asking who! Not YOU!

Trent: Ugh. Never mind...

Downstairs with Trish and Dallas...

Dallas: Sooo, Trish. How's it goin' babe?

Trish: Don't you "babe" me!

Dallas: Come on girl, what's your problem?

Trish: Hmm let me think... You and Trent are my problem! *attitude*

Dallas: Wo-ah! Feisty! Me likey!

Trish: Ew.

Dallas: *gets close to Trish and puts arms around her waist*

Trish: GET OFF OF ME!!!

Dallas: *thinks* *silence* Nahhh. I'm good!

Trish: *tries to punch him but he grabbed her arms and she can't move* DEZ!!!!!

Dallas: Why would you call for Dez? He's an idiot!


Dallas: *puts hand on chest like he was shot* Ouch. That hurt. *evil laugh while getting closer to Trish*

Dez runs downstairs and pulls Dallas off of Trish...

Dez/Dallas: *fighting*

Trish/Trent: *arguing*

Austin and Ally walk in holding hands and laughing...

Austin/Ally: *stop laughing and look at Dez/Dallas fighting and Trish/Trent arguing*

Austin: *whispers to Ally* You wanna go?

Ally: *whispers to Austin* Yeah...

They both walk casually out of Sonic Boom and walk around the mall...

Ally:  So...

Austin/Ally: *Awkward silence*

Austin:  I wonder why Dez and Dallas where fighting?

Ally:  Me too.

Austin:  Wanna go back to by house and hang out in my room?

Ally:  What do you mean "hang out?"

Austin:  You know like sit in my room, talk, stuff that friends do.

Ally:  Wanna play board games? Or I could listen to you play some old songs that I have wrote for you in the past.

Austin:  I would like that. Which would you like to do?

Ally:  It's up to you!

Austin:  Maybe we could play a game for a little while then I could play the older songs. Or I could sing Steal Your Heart because it was for you.

Ally:  I would like that.

Austin:  Ok!

Austin & Ally MovieWhere stories live. Discover now