Austin & Ally Movie (Part 12)

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At Melody Diner after they left...

Cassidy: *gets a phone call* Hello?

Trent: Hey Cassidy! Right?

Cassidy: Yeah. Who are you?

Trent: It's Trent!

Cassidy: Oh... *starts freaking out*

Trent: Yeah. So is Austin and Ally there?

Cassidy: No, they just left. Why?

Trent: I wanna make a deal with you.

Cassidy: What kind of deal?

Trent: Well...

Cassidy: Well?

Trent: Weeeellll...

Cassidy: Well what?!

Trent: Weeell... Sorry...

Cassidy: Ugh. Trent! Tell me what the deal is before I hang up!

Trent: Ok! Ok! So the deal is…

You have to get Austin and Ally to break up!

Cassidy: WHAT?! Why would I do that?!

Trent: Because. If you help us -

Cassidy: Wait! What do u mean "us"?

Trent: Me and Dallas.

Cassidy: You mean the one who tries to flirt with me and made my boyfriend mad?!

Trent: Yeah... That one... Anyway. You have to break them up!

Cassidy: Why? What's in it for me?

Trent: I can help you have your biggest dream come true.

Cassidy: I don't think you can! My band and I just got released from our contract yesterday.

Trent: Is that your biggest dream?

Cassidy: Yeah.

Trent: Then I know EXACTLY where you can get a record label!

Cassidy: You do?

Trent: Yep! All we have to do is break Austin and Ally up.

Cassidy: *thinks about it* *sigh* Okay, but how do I break them up?

Trent: Flirt with Austin and kiss him when Ally is right there. 

Cassidy: I have a boyfriend!!!

Trent: Then make sure he doesn't know about the plan and make sure to keep him away from you and Austin while this is happening!

Cassidy: Okay... I'll do it.

Trent: Thanks Cass!

Cassidy: No problem T.

Trent: Bye.

Cassidy: Bye. *hangs up*

Cassidy asks Elliott if she can go on an hour break and he says "yes"...

At Sonic Boom...

Cassidy: *walks in and sees Austin at the piano and Ally writing in her songbook behind the counter* Hey, Austin!

Austin: *stops playing piano and turns around* Oh, hey Cass. What are you doing here?

Cassidy: I came to talk to you about something.

Austin: Okay. *walks toward her and stops right in front of her* What is it?

Ally: Do you want to talk alone? I can go up to the practice room.

Cassidy: No, Ally. You can stay.

Ally: Okay. *continues writing in songbook*

Cassidy: So, Austin. Um. I've been wanting to do this for a while...

Austin: Do what?

Cassidy: This.

Austin: Wha-

Cassidy: *kisses him*

Austin: *tries to pull apart but can't*

Cassidy: *pulls him closer*

Austin: *still trying to push her away*

Cassidy: *puts his hands on her waist* *puts her arms around his neck*

Ally: *doesn't hear them talking* *looks up to see them kissing* *starts to cry because Austin isn't pulling apart* 

Cassidy: *pulls away when she hears a book slam* *thinks* 'That must've been Ally's songbook!' 

Austin and Cassidy: *look at Ally*

Austin: *sees Ally tearing up* Ally? 

Cassidy: *smirks*

Ally: *sees Cassidy smirk* *grabs songbook and runs upstairs crying and slams the practice room door*

Austin: *looks back at Cassidy* How could you do that?! 

Cassidy: I just love you Austie. *sounding flirty*

Austin: I thought you were dating Elliott!!

Cassidy: He doesn't have to know. *flirty*

Austin: Yeah, well I don't love you. 

Cassidy: Yes you so Austie! You can't lie to me! You loved that kiss! *flirty*

Austin: No I didn't!!!! And no I don't love you!! I love Ally! And only Ally!!! Get out! *points angrily to the door*

Cassidy: Fine! But if Ally doesn't come back to you, you know where to find me! *flirty* *leaves*

Austin: *runs up the stairs and knocks on the practice room door* Ally!

Ally: *locks the door*

Austin: *hears the lock* Ally, come on! She kissed me! 

Ally: And you kissed back!!!

Austin: No I didn't!!

Ally: *opens the door* *tears running down her cheeks* THEN WHY DIDN'T YOU PULL AWAY?!!!? OR PUSH HER AWAY!!!!

Austin: I couldn't!!! She wouldn't let me!! SHE put MY hands on her waist. SHE pulled ME closer! SHE kissed me! I was trying to push her away!!!

Ally: I don't believe you!!! 

Austin: Ally! I don't love her! I love you! And only you!

Ally: Just get out.

Austin: What?


Austin: Ally... Please...


Austin: Fine... *leaves*

Ally: *breaks down crying*

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