I was tagged by the.. *cough* wonderful Persassy_Jacksasson
1. Post the rules.
2. Tag 13 people.
3. Answer the 13 questions.
4. Come up with 13 questions.
5. You must respond to comments. (I think)
6. Tag-backs are allowed.
7. If you don't do tags, that sucks?
8. Be creative with the title.Do you play any instruments?
Yes! I play the guitar2. Do you want to be part of the 420 Carpenters?
YES3. What was the last book you read and enjoyed?
the scorpio races4. What was the last book you read and did not enjoy?
Heck (yes, thats the real name of the book)5. If you could turn into an alpaca or llama at will, which would it be?
Llama for life6. What is the temperature where you are living?
58 f.7. Pick the 8th book on your bookshelf, open it to the 86th page, and find the 12th line. Type it out for us. And if you don't have a bookshelf, then skip this question.
"Wee aarre ggoingg tto yourr ffatherr "Mrs. Which said
-A wrinkle in time
8. What time is it where you are?
9. What is your favorite place to go when you're sad?
Leatham stables
10. How happy are you on a scale of 1-10?
At a comfortable 6
11. Would you rather have chocolate or lollipops?
12. Which is better: cookie dough ice cream or chocolate ice cream?
CHOCOLATEWould you rather eat cat food or dog food?
Can I chose horse food? I mean, hay is like sweet lettuce and oats are like a nut
I guess cat food...
Ok! Here are my 13 questions!
1.What do you prefer: Dragons, Unicorns , or potatoes?
2.If you had to choses between living with all emotions or living with no emotions, which would you chose?
3. If you were an instrument, which one would you be?
4. What is a book that you could read over and over and never get bored of?
5. What is your favorite thing to do? This can include things you don't have to leave your house for
6. Gaming console of choice?
7. What is your religion? (If you have one)
8. Books or movies?
9. Go to the 20th book on your book shelf, open to the 72nd page, and type the 16th line.
10. Your preferred type of affection? (Please take this quiz)
http://www.5lovelanguages.com11.Favorite three songs?
12. Most prized possession ?
13. Three things that make you unique?
And i taaaaagggggg
Persassy_Jacksasson (it says tag backs are allowed)
MuffinCrumbzTag me at the top of your tag so i can see your answers!

AléatoireThis is going to be a book of all of my random thoughts and whatever. I take questions and I will answer them. If you are looking to read a story, you are in the wrong place. I love PJO and HOO and Harry Potter. If you read this deception, comment...