Ask Away!

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Luna- Checks her camera then giggles, "There! All set up, say hi everyone!"

Miroku- "Luna, I do not mean to be a bother, but why are we greeting such a strange contraption?"

Kagome- Giggles and ignores Miroku's confusion, "Hello!"

Inuyasha- Growls and turns away, "This is stupid."

Luna- "It is not stupid and we're doing it because it's fun," she says, "Also Trebby is stuck with our fanfic which is currently on pause."

Sango- "Fan...fic? What is that?" she tilts her head in confusion.

Myoga- Jumps onto Luna's shoulder frantically, "Lady Luna, you're not supposed to break the fourth wall!"

Luna- Sighs, "Yeah, but how else are we supposed to ask the readers for truths and dares?"

Myoga- "Hmm, I suppose you do have a point, very well, carry on," he jumps away.

Shippo- Wakes up, "Hmm? What's going on?"

Kagome- "It's Truth or Dare time!" she shouts excitedly.

Shippo- Gets a sparkle in his eye, "Alright! I love this game!"

Luna- Looks at the readers, also know as Treblemaker's little notes, "Alright! Go ahead and ask any of us anything, no matter how silly but there are limits, this is PG-13 so inappropriate questions and dares will be ignored. Other than that, have fun!"

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