Chapter 5 - Shenanigans

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About a week later we all decided to go to the Quarry.

"Guys come on just jump in already." Stan said.

"Not unless someone jumps in first." Said Richie.

"Fine." I said.

Before I could even prepare to jump in, I felt Bills grip around my waist picking me up and throwing me in the water.

"Oh fuck!" I managed to blurt out before I completely left the rock.

Bill followed right after I hit the water.

Then, everyone else followed in behind us and we splashed around just having fun.

Everyone started complaining about how cold it was, so they all got out.

Bill and I were still in the water.

I looked over to where everyone was sitting and I saw Richie and Launi kiss.

I just giggled and looked back at Bill and of course I started feeling the cold water hit my body.

He came over to me and lowered himself in the water so I could just see his nose and up.

We looked at each other and I moved my head above water.

"Bill?" I said as I began to feel nervous.

"Yes Grace?" He replied to me as I looked into his soft green eyes.

I looked down.

"I-I um think that..." I held my hand tight.

"I think I love you." I said to him as I looked up back into his eyes and smiled a bit.

"I l-l-love you too." Bill said to me and kissed my lips like never before.

As soon as his lips touched mine I could feel my whole body warm up.

We held each other tighter and stopped kissing.

We just floated there in the water hugging each other for a little but then we made our way out.

"I don't understand how Bill and Grace were in the water for that long. It's freezing." I heard Mike say as we got to shore.

"Whatever." Launi said as I grabbed a towel.

We got out, dried ourselves off, and huddled up close together.

"Bye guys." Said Mike and Beverly.

"No wait, I'll come too." Launi said as she glared at Bill and I.

"Me too." Said Eddie.

"Yeah same here." Followed Richie and Stan.

"Grace can we go please?!" Begged Ben.

"Come on everyone is leaving!" He said once more.

I looked at Bill and we both blushed and smiled.

"Yeah lets go." I said biting my lip, hiding a smile.

Bill grabbed my hand and we started walking up the cliff with the others.

Launi just looked back at us and rolled her eyes.

When Bill, Launi, Stan, Richie, and I got up to where our bike where, we saw that Beverly and Eddie were looking around for Mike.

"MIKE." They both shouted.

"Uh guys where is he, his bike is right here.." I said worried.

"I don't know! He was the first one up here." Beverly said.

"I-I think I need my inhaler." Eddie said frantically looking through his fanny pack.

I laughed as Richie awkwardly put his arm over Angie's shoulder and looked at her and said, "So...about today." With an ugly wink.

"Not the right time Richie. Not the right time." Launi said shoving his arm off her and wiping off her shoulder.

I just looked up at Bill then back at them and giggled softly.

Ben got up to where we were and said,

"Hey, where's Mike?..."

"We don't know." Bill Replied.

"I hear yelling down by the river." Stan said as he frantically looked at all of us.

"What are you waiting for let's go!" Beverly said as she began to get on her bike.

Everyone hopped on their bikes and we began to follow the sound.

And now that I think about it, I could hear yelling and laughing in the back off my head.

I knew it was Mike.

It had to be.


We arrived at the river and saw Mike's bike laying half on the dirt and half in the shallow water.

"Guys this way!!" I screamed while I was already halfway down the river.

"His farm m-m-meat is gone..." Said Bill.

"What the hell." Said Richie.

"Why would they take his farm meat?" Said Beverly.

"I don't know. But it's not cooked so if they eat it they're gonna get salmonella." Said Eddie as he used his inhaler.

"Guys lets go!" I said as Bill, and Launi quickly followed me.

I saw the Bowers gang and Mike on the floor getting beaten up by each one of them with a piece of his farm meat.

Sorry this chapter was short lol

Insisting Ghost| IT 2017-Bill DenbroughWhere stories live. Discover now