the friends.

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after the tall demon had just spoken to his brother like that, taehyung was now 100% positive that the male was crazy, so with his thoughts he started to shove his scared half to death brother inside of his room to keep him away from the male who was floating in the middle of the circle at this point, eyes hiding behind an inky black smoke.suddenly taehyung didnt want them to interact anymore.

taehyung gave the now smirking devil a side glance, huffing in irritation before removing himself from the little hallway and toward his comfortable bedroom to go to sleep instead, quite suprised at the red mans presense around his older brother.

the next morning was a mess. well, for taehyung at least.

he had awoken from his deep sleep filled to the brim with thoughts of his best friend, happy mumbles and sighs slipping from his lips as he let his eyes flutter open, it wouldve been well except,

the demon was there.

so taehyung screamed, loud and frightened since he wasnt used to anyone sleeping next to him, and it was sudden. the boy was a light sleeper so how the red man had even found his way into his bedroom had been frightening- very frightening. and the fact that he hadnt even found out his name yet, but he was peacefully sleeping in his bed had given him a sense of astonishment, questioning how just anyone can sleep with a stranger.

he slowly removed himself from under the fluffy sheets of his bed, accidentally tripping over his own alarm clock with hadnt gone off to wake him up for school. there was a pause as he balanced himself and then a soft crash, glancing down to stare displeased as his alarm clock rolled by his feet, making him sighs, knowing he would eventually need a new one if his mornings continued like this.

even though it was glitching, he was still able to make out the big bold pink letters that blared at him, screaming "7:50".

he was going to be late.

after taking his shower and thoroughly scrubbing every part of his small but curvy body, quickly removing himself from the shower with a towel hung snug around his body, toothbrush already in his mouth as he brushed his teeth with one hand and did his makeup with the other, not wanting to arrive to class past 8:10.

rushing out from the bathroom and shaking his hair around to airdry it (in which he liked better anyways, it was more fluffy and bought out its natural waviness) he had pushed into his closet, failing to notice the now very much awake demon sitting upright with a confused expression on his face. 

less than a minute later taehyung came out fully clothed, hopping on one foot to get his other foot in his shoe. it was only now that he noticed the male staring dead at him, brows raised in amusement watching him run around the room as if a puppy looking for his owner.

taehyung paused for a few moment, offering a smile and a soft goodmorning to the dazed male before grabbing a neatly folded pile of clothes on his desk and shoving them in the bag that was hanging aloose his shoulder, rushing out of the room and grabbing a mini carton of strawberries he had bought himself the afternoon prior to take to school, since he knew breakfast wasnt to be an option, ever.

he pulled out his phone as soon as he was baout to leave the kitchen texting his only best friend to meet him in front of the school so they caould swap clothes for the day- a tradition that had been happening for around 10 years for the both of them, every wednesday.

they had only ever missed an clothes-swap wednesday one time, and they vowed it would never happen again, that they would keep their tradition alive.

it was always entertaining seeing the things they could make eachother wear, and of course there were boundaries, things they would only where in the presence of the other alone in one of their bedrooms, never in public for the eyes of anyone else.

and thats truly where it began,

the more that things they made eachother wear, the more things got frisky between the two. they started bringing eachother clothes that could barely cover their bodies for afterschool purposes, something less revealing for the day when they were at school and in classes.

and as all teenagers grow, hormones start to develope, and under that developement the bond between taehyung and jimin had grew more and more, into something that could help them both get off when they had felt the rational needs of being a teen doused in hormones, lusting over one another.

for the rest of that morning taehyung pondered that thought, walking along the sidewalk to get to his schools building with his head in the clouds and his feet on the ground.

and all this time the red man was following right along behind him, eyes narrowed and stagnant as they remained on the small boys form. 

and taehyung hadnt even noticed.

reaching the school came quicker than taehyung had anticipated, and that yoongi had dreaded. now that the boys soul was partially his own he could hear feel and examine the thoughts of the boy, and he had never been more uncomfortable, and more irritated than he had been, even in hell where he berid of the souls of the damned.

you could only imagine how much more uncomfortable it was for him seeing the two best friends embrace in a hug that seemed too intimate to only be a friendly gesture; for taehyungs hips were practically nudging against the blondes thigh. he sighed and rolled his eyes as he watched the two who ran into the bathroom to change,

worst part of it was that they went into the same one, the handicapped stall since it was larger and could fit more people.

though it was lewd, and yoongi tried not to watch he couldnt help but steal glances at the way jimins hands tried to touch on taehyungs body whenever he stripped an article of clothing in exchange of jimins clothes, and he couldnt miss the way that taehyung oggled at his body, and at his arms.

and he certainly didnt miss the sting in his tummy seeing the boy press what seemed to be a wet kiss against taehyungs throat, to which he giggled to.

once done they pranced out of the bathroom and to class and yoongi decided that he wasnt really happy knowing a piece of his soul was with another man. now that taehyungs soul was his all of taehyung belonged to him, as his puppet and his guide, as his eyes and ears and as his distraction from the other humans here. so he did what he had to do.

long story short, taehyung got annoyed pretty quickly.

seeing the red man walk into his classroom like he owned the place, the smiles and looks he gave the students, and the way he took the chair next to him as if it was his had him squirming uncomfortably in his seat.

jimin who noticed his erratic behaviour had gripped his hand under the table in an attempt to calm him down; and he could barely get in a chance to say anything before taehyung and the red man were already locking eyes with one another, taehyungs countenance pulled into a grim frown and the unknowns smug and prideful.

"you couldnt have just stayed in the shadows or something? must you be here in person" yoongi wasted no time in shooting back a snarky "if im not here how am i to fulfill our deal? should i go and end the deal then? let you get hurt?"

and taehyung knew he couldnt say anything to that.

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