Chapter 36

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June 5, 2014

Tomorrow is the day. I graduate tomorrow. I'm graduating from the shithole they call high school, and I'm moving on to college. It doesn't even feel real. This year went by way too fucking fast. I can't believe I only have the summer to be with Harry and the boys, then we'll be seperated and going onto different colleges. But Harry and I will make it work, I know we will.

I'm excited and happy for tomorrow. I can't believe I'm actually going to graduate high school. I've been waiting for this for four years, and now that it's happening I couldn't be more happy. I'll finally be free.

It was 5:30 p.m. and I'm just lying on my bed smiling at the thought of finally graduating. Finally, I got up and went downstairs to look for my father. Once I found him in the kitchen, I slowly walked towards him.

"What do you want?" He asked when he saw me.

"Are you coming to my graduation tomorrow?" I asked him even though I already knew the answer.

"Why would I even go to your graduation?" He started to laugh.

"I don't know," I mumbled.

"I don't even know why you're graduating. I'm actually surprised you weren't fucking held back. You're too dumb to graduate. You don't deserve to walk across that stage and get your diploma. The teachers are stupid for letting you even pass their classes," he spat.

"Okay. Sorry for asking," I said quietly.

"Yeah thanks to you, talking about your dumb graduation I lost time I'll never get back," he glared at me and walked towards the bathroom.

I stayed in the kitchen for a few seconds thinking about what he said to me. The sad part is, he's right. I am dumb. I don't deserve to graduate. He'll always be right. I walked out of the kitchen and was about to walk up the stairs to my bedroom, but I heard my dad snort in the bathroom. I stopped and stood outside the bathroom listening. He snorted again. Then he came out of the bathroom and sniffled. He looked up and I saw his eyes that were a deep red.

"What the fuck are you looking at?" He asked.

"Nothing," I quickly averted my gaze and bounded up the stairs.

Holy shit. Did he do what I think he did? Was he actually doing drugs? That would explain the white powdery substance I found in the box under his bed a while ago. Damn, so my father's a druggie, a smoker, and an alcoholic. What a great father I have.

Right as I walked into my bedroom, I head a ding come from my phone. I picked it up to see a text from Harry.

come to the park you showed me. I have a surprise :)

I smiled at the message, then I opened my window. I climbed out of it then stretched out to grip the tree near my window and hopped down. I didn't want to explain to my father where I was going. I quickly walked over to the park and saw Harry by the pond I showed him last time we were here.

"Hey," I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Hey," he grinned back and returned the hug.

"So what's this surprise that you have for me?" 

"I kinda lied. I don't have a surprise. I just wanted to see you again," he confessed.

"You should've just said that you idiot. Now I have nothing to be excited for," I shook my head fondly.

"Oh so you're not excited to see me?" He asked putting his hands over his heart and pretending to be hurt.

"Nope. I should probably just go home then. See you tomorrow!" I turned around and pretended to walk away.

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