Chapter 52

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I woke up with my arms sprawled across the bed. My hands went up and down the sheets searching for the body that woke up next to me everyday. 

"Harry?" I called out. No answer.

"Harry?" I called out again. Still no answer.

I sprang up in bed looking around the room for Harry. Then it hit me. I was in Zayn's room. Harry broke up with me yesterday night. It was my fault I lost him. All my fucking fault. If I would've just listened to him, we would still be together. I would've woken up next to him, and he would've given me my good morning kiss and brought in 2 cups of coffee into the room so we could just drink and talk. But now it's all over. I was an idiot.

I laid back down in bed, but I curled up into a ball this time. I lost him. Why was I so fucking ignorant? I whimpered and the morning tears started. I was such a weak person. I was weak without Harry. He was my other half, my whole world, my happiness. And I fucked it up. Good job Louis. Good fucking job. I kept crying softly until Zayn came into the room to check up on me. He came over to me and pulled me into his arms and hugged me until the tears stopped. This happened for a week until Zayn forced me to actually go out into the real world.

I just wanted to stay in the solidity of Zayn's room for the next 5 years or you know until I died. I didn't want to face the real world. It would only break me even more. 

"I don't want to go outside!" I groaned.

"I don't care stop being a dick and go get some fresh air jesus christ!" Zayn hit me with a pillow.


"Yes! Do it or I'll pour a bucket of ice water on you!"

"You wouldn't."

"Oh you know I would," he grinned.

It was true. I knew that he would. And since I didn't want to get soaked in ice water, I pulled on some decent clothes and walked out of his house. The sun was shining brightly and it burned my eyes when I walked out. 

"Oh hell no," I said and tried to open the door again.

"You aren't coming back in until you go away for at least an hour or two!" Zayn said through the window.

"I fucking hate you," I grumbled.

I continued walking through the neighborhood. Damn I needed to get my own car. I had the money from the insurance I got after my father died, it would probably be a good idea. Walking everywhere just did not suit me. Or you know, anyone that wasn't crazy. 

I decided to get some breakfast since I hadn't had anything to eat for a few days. I was thinning. The only reason I didn't eat was because I was just too sad to honestly. It sounded stupid but it was true. Zayn would try to get me to eat, but I would refuse. I walked into a donut shop called Donut Delite and stood in line behind a tall guy. 

Something about him seemed awfully familiar. Too familiar. 

"Shit," I whispered.

He walked up to the counter.

"I'll have a glaze donut," he said.

"Fuck fuck fuck," I said repeatedly. I turned around and started walking towards the door, but I wasn't fast enough.


I continued walking towards the door pretending like I didn't hear him. I couldn't face him. Not now. Probably not ever.

"Louis!" He pulled me around.

What I saw in front of me made my heart sad. Harry looked horrible, yet beautiful as always. He had dark bags under his eyes screaming that he hadn't slept in days. His hair was a mess, and his eyes just didn't look like they were full of life like they always were. But the part that broke my heart the most? He was wearing my sweater. The one that he always said was his favorite. I didn't know if I should be happy or sad.

"Say something please?" He asked.

"I have to go. See you around. Bye," I said quickly and walked out that door without another glance at him. 

I walked back to Zayn's house quickly. I couldn't believe I saw him. And just the day when I actually went out into the real world. Why did this have to happen? Seeing him like that just broke my heart even more if it was even possible.

I knocked on the door loudly.

"Zayn! Zayn! Fucking let me in now!" I yelled.

"It hasn't even been an hour yet!" He said through the window with a smile until he saw the look on my face.

He opened the door and I rushed into his room and slammed the door shut. I sat with my back against the bed and my head in my knees. I shook my head again and again. Not only did this breakup have a huge affect on me, but it also had a big one on Harry as well. I was stupid to think it wouldn't, but he was the one who broke up with me in the first place. Should I even be feeling bad for him?

I just couldn't face him again after what I saw today. I didn't want to. I wouldn't be able to handle it. I got lucky I didn't start crying my eyes out and begging him to take me back right when I saw him in line. I can't be so weak anymore. Zayn opened the door into the room and sat next to me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"I saw him," I whispered.

It started with a sniffle, then he hugged me, then I cried into his arms. Man I was weak. Why was I such a girl? It's not healthy for someone to cry so much. I was right about one thing though. The real world did break me even more.


Fun fact: Both my parents own a donut shop called Donut Delite and I work at the one my mom owns :)

twitter: jukeboxiou

insta: angela_k13


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