Second Thoughts

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They were sleeping in their bed, in their house. Well, Logan was sleeping. He was content with her by his side. Alex on the other hand lay wide awake with her head on his chest with the technicalities of their relationship on her mind.

They had recently gotten back together after Logan got a tad drunk in England after they had had a fight. A first for them. Off his face drunk, Logan has kissed another woman he claimed to have thought was her.

Alex gazed at him, lifting her head for a better view. She loved him, she knew that, but she was afraid their relationship was seriously on the rocks this time.

She got up slowly, careful not to wake him and shuffled out of bed, lifting the navy sheet and matching douvet over him. Despite her efforts to leave him be, he stirred beneath her fingers and awoke.

"Al," his voice was husky and she fell in love with it all over again whenever she heard it. This time was no exception, that man's sleepy voice was seriously sexy. When he realised she wasn't lying next to him he really woke up. "Alex, is everything okay?

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