Pros and Cons

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'Yes Logan, go back to sleep.' the look on his face told her he was unconvinced but he lay back down as she walked out of the room.

Logan made a decision, if she's not back in an hour, go see her, apologise again. But give her some space first.

Alex sat, leaning against the kitchen counter with a mug of coffee in one hand and a black corner store pen in the other, poised over and piece of blank paper.

Alex drew two lines, a table, on the paper, nearly ripping it in the process, and labelled each column.

Pros/Cons |how I feel about it

And she proceeded to scribe every positive and negative emotion she had felt about Logan.

He's gorgeous, |he doesn'tcare,

too good for me. |I love him

He kissed Amy |he was        drunk, |I kiss other | men all the | time, I love him

He didn't sleep |god I love him

with her |for that


She wrote next, but crossed it out, she didn't want to push him into anything he didn't want.

Tired, and pleased that she understood her feelings for him, she skipped back into their bedroom. She gently peeled back the bed clothes and snuggled down next to Logan, taking comfort in his warmth.

'Al,' he whispered a minute after, he wrapped his arms around her and turned to face her, 'Are you okay?' he asked her, caressing her cheek and pressing their foreheads together.

In reply, she kissed his cheek, his nose and finally his lips. 'Don't leave me, I love you.' she moved her face away but he pulled her back to him.

'I love you too.'

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