pretty optimistic pessimist

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I think my time is running out. Each day I have less and less energy, and less will to continue fighting for what seems like a lot cause. I'm a lost cause. I haven't been here for so long, I'm sorry, I really did mean to start that Imagines book. 

But since I have what seems to be a limited amount of time left, I'll have to try and get a sample of my writing out. 

I promise that this was never my intention and I'm sorry if you hate me for coming and never being active. I want to be, I really do, I just have no will. I'm so tired all the time. If you've ever had the flu, recall that feeling of sickness and amplify it by 10. I'm wasting away to nothing but a sack of bones but I've never been happier to be alive. 

Look at me now, watching pre-screenings of Wonder because that's the movie I've waited two years to see. Don't want to take any precautions, eh? I bet all those people from school are writhing in jealousy because while they always preach death and claim that being dead is better than living, I might actually have to die. 

But it fucking isn't. Being dead probably sucks. 

So all of you, be grateful that you're alive. Someone loves you out there, and you have so much value in this world. Cherish every moment you have in the living world, whether it's small of large. Life always seems to move too quickly when you're nearing the end. Hopefully it'll slow down soon and give me some time to catch up.

Now to get off such a gloomy subject, leave me some movie recommendations! 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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