Chapter Two

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Hello everyone! As promised here is a new chapter, I hope you like it!

               I love her so much, I really do, I could stare at her all day long, watching her laugh and smile, seeing the way she bites her lip when she’s nervous or how she runs her hand through her hair when someone compliments her and she blushes, how her eyes shine when she’s happy. Those eyes and her smile were enough to brighten my days.

               Still, I haven’t told her the truth about me yet. I wish I could muster the courage to do so, she deserves to know, but I’m too scared that she will leave, or be afraid. It could change everything between us and I’m too selfish to throw that away.

I woke up with my head on Shawn’s chest and half my body on top of his for that matter. His heart beat steadily underneath me and I opened my eyes, his toned abs moving up and down to the rhythm of his breathing. I shifted, careful not to wake him up, and looked at his face. He looked so peaceful in his sleep.

I was amazed to be lucky enough to have him. There were so many amazing and beautiful girls out there but he chose me, out of all of them I stood out to him and I’ll never understand why. Shawn met me at a time when I wasn’t doing well, I had recent cuts on my wrists, none of them deep, barely healing, I wasn’t comfortable around most people but Shawn didn’t care.

               The reason I met him was because I met Cameron first and we grew incredibly close but more in a brother-sister kind of relationship. He was good at listening but he never asked too many questions, and no matter what I said he always found a way to make me laugh again.

               By extension, when all of them started getting famous (rip vine) I got the chance to meet Shawn. I was friends with everyone in the group but I always stayed with Cameron and when he wasn’t there I was with Shawn.

               Turns out that although it wasn’t as fast as with Cameron I became very close to Shawn too. I didn’t want a relationship with him at that time, or anyone for that matter, but he never pushed me, he realized when a hug became too tight, when his hand on the small of my back was too much for me and waited patiently.

               Finally I gave in, I trusted him with everything already without admitting it until I realized just how hard I had fallen for him. I was terrified of these feelings, of giving him the power to hurt me, but I let him in more and more every day. We ended up next to each other all the time, brushing shoulders, holding hands, hugging, he gave me his jacket when I was cold or wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

“Morning creepy.” Shawn opens his eyes and sees me looking at him.

“Morning baby.” I chuckle, kissing his jaw because it was the only accessible part that didn’t require me to move too much.

“Been staring at me like that for long?”

“I just woke up.” I roll my eyes, sliding down on the bed to be next to him so he can move.

“Where do you think you’re going?” He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me back on top of him.


“Perfect then.”

               Sometime later we end up in the kitchen, me trying to make pancakes and Shawn doing everything to get in the way. I start pouring floor into a large bowl when I feel his arms snake around my waist, his torso against my back and his head on my shoulder.

“Shawn, please let me move.” I laugh. “I need to get to the fridge.”

“Nope.” He reinforces his grip and plants a kiss on my cheek.

               I try to move, swaying from foot to foot but he keeps on laughing and I turn to face him, knocking an egg down from the counter. Before I can even react Shawn has let go of me and caught the egg right before it touches the floor.

“Wow Mendes, that’s what I call reflexes.”

“Yeah, I got used to your clumsiness.” He smirks, putting it back down on the counter.

“Maybe if you weren’t getting in the way that wouldn’t have happened.” I roll my eyes, taking the egg and putting it with the rest of my ingredients.

               Shawn stays next to me and pops chocolate chips from the bowl in his mouth and I have to swat his hand away. At least I can move now but if I don’t have any chocolate chips left to put in the pancakes this is going to be pretty sad.

               He looks at me with puppy eyes and I give in, turning to cut the butter. Distracted as I am with his little games I forget to pay attention to the knife in my hand leave a cut in my finger in the process.


“What happened?” Shawn turns to me, his eyes fixating on my finger.

“I cut myself…” I start explaining until I look up at is face. “Your eyes…” They’re pitch black. And I don’t mean just his irises but his entire eyes. He shuts them for a second and when he opens them again they’re back to normal.

“What’s with my eyes?” He takes a cloth and hands it to me, looking at my hand rather than my face.

“They were black.”

“Put that on your hand, you have to stop the bleeding and clean that.”

“Don’t ignore the question.”

“It was probably a reflection, will you just put that hand underwater to clean it?”

I obey but he’s still not looking at my face.

“Shawn.” I call again. “Shawn look at me.” He does so but his expression stays serious, he doesn’t speak because he has nothing else to say and I wouldn’t buy it. He’s always been a bad liar. “What was that?”

“Not now.”

“You’re not getting away with that.”

“I know, later, I promise.” He sighs.

“Fine.” I breathe out, letting him wrap a gauze around my finger. I’ve only seen something like that once, and it’s not something I wish to remember.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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