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"Stop crying!" The mother screamed, the child whimpered. She didn't stop crying though. She tried so hard, but she couldn't. The mother got annoyed and started to whip the child with a belt. After the whipping, she ran to her room. Sort of.

Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door. The mother placed down the belt and opened it. It was CPS & the cops. "Hi. What can I do for you?" Lisa- the mother, asked. Before they answered, they looked around to see if there was a child. They saw Alicia- the child, sitting on the stairs. She just shook her head in fear. "We have received a report from your child school where they mentioned that your daughter have been going to school with multiple bruises on her face & body." Lisa laughed at this. "She just fell down the stairs while playing. She's fine."

"She's been falling down the stairs everyday for over 3 months? If she fell once, the bruises wouldn't look fresh." They added, Lisa's eyes widen. "I uh- she-" She was cut off by the police. "Prove it. Show is the child." The, CPS lady motioned the child to go down the stairs.

"No. I'm not allowing you to talk to my child. Isn't this invasion of privacy?" Lisa asked, shutting the door on the police. It was midnight, so the two went to sleep.

In the morning, they heard another knock. Lisa groaned, opening the door. More police.

"Lisa Smith, you are under arrest for child abuse. Anything that you will say can and will be used in court." She was brought inside the police car and Alicia was taken to CPS.

When they got there, The lady introduced herself to the child. "I'm Maddie. I'm going to help you okay?" Alicia nodded. She was quite nervous around people. All her life, her mother physically abused her for nothing. So she grew up to be scared of everything.

Maddie could tell. The child was underweight and was lacking nutrition. So, she gave the child a meal. A happy meal from McDonalds. "What is this?" Alicia asked Maddie. "Food. You can eat it. It's all yours." The child smiled and digged in. She hasn't eaten in weeks; because usually she'd only eat when she's in school.

Once she was done, they went to another room. There were toys & blankets for her to enjoy. "I'm going to ask you a few questions and I want you to answer it honestly, okay? If you don't want to answer it, it's okay." Alicia nodded, she was occupied with the toy she got from the happy meal.

"Did your mommy hurt you?" She immediately nodded. "Always. And everywhere." she added, standing up to show her bruises. Maddie's eyes widen. They were worse than she expected it to be. "They hurt." She sat back down and played with her toy. "I- come. Let's go to the clinic so that they won't hurt anymore, okay?" They both stood up and headed to the nearest clinic. She was still shook from what she just saw.

While waiting, she couldn't help but look at the child. "Mommy never bought me toys. She said they were stupid and noisy. Like me." They made eye contact. She could see the sadness in Alicia's eyes. "You're the opposite of that, baby. You're smart & chill." She smiled, reassuring her.

Soon, they left the clinic. When they got back to the playroom, she started to ask more questions.

"Do you have any siblings?" Alicia's eyes widen, she started crying. She saw how it triggered the child; so, she just went beside her and comforted her. "It's okay. You don't to answer." She shook her head. "She did something bad. Mommy buried her in our backyard."

Maddie was holding back her tears. She couldn't imagine how traumatizing this would be for a six year old. She decided that those were all that she would ask Alicia for now.


"Will Mommy come back?" she asked, Maddie was tucking her to bed since she was sleeping at her place for awhile. "Do you want her too?" Alicia shrugged. "I don't want her to be lonely like I am in school."

Maddie sat back down on the bed to explain. "You see, Mommy hurt you right? And that's not supposed to happen so she's getting punished." She mumbled a small 'oh' before saying good night to Maddie.

That night, Lisa pleaded guilty to abusing Alicia. So, the next day, She was set to put in the orphanage; Because, she had no other relatives.

Maddie felt bad. But, she couldn't do anything. "Good morning." Maddie says, opening the lights. She brought breakfast in bed for the child.

"Today you'll be going to a oprhanage. There's lots of kids there. You'll have fun." Alicia smiled. She was quite excited. Although, she didn't know what an orphanage was.

When Maddie dropped her off, she was happy. She thought Maddie would pick her up that day, but she didn't. She waited, and waited, and waited. She never came back.

"I want to go back to Maddie." Alicia cried. She didn't like it there anymore. She felt miserable. "You can't. You're going to stay here until someone decides to adopt you." Gabe- the lady in the orphanage says. She didn't say it in a a angry tone, though.

Gabe was worried because Alicia wouldn't eat unless Maddie came. "Okay. If you eat, I'll bring you to Maddie." She smiled and started to eat the food. But, Maddie still never came.

So, Alicia decided to leave the orphanage. When Gabe wasn't looking, she went out and wondered on the streets. Trying to remember the route that Maddie took.

But, she became hungry. She couldn't find her way back. She became nauseous. She was about to pass out when she bumped into a lady. "Sorr-" She mumbled before completely passing out.

yoyoyoyoyo wassup. are y'all staying home? I hope so😤

anyways, this is messy af but I hope y'all understand. otherwise, comment your questions & I'll answer :)

das all have a good day & stay safe<333

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