Chapter 6

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I turned around to find Warren at the door. I should have know. "Why did you do this?" I yelled.

"Because I want you, Kylie. You're so beautiful. And I knew I'd never have a chance if this little asshole was in the way. So I wanted to get ride of him." Warren stepped closer.

"The police are on their way!You won't get away with this, that's a fact!" I said.

"Watch me!" He pulled out a gun, fired some shots, and ran.

One of those shots came dangerously close to my head and another was close to Preston. 

"Fuck..." Preston said. "You didn't tell me you had a stalker... "

"I didn't want anyone to know, I didn't think he was going to do anything. I'm so sorry you got involved in this," I explained.

"Hello?!" called a manly voice.

The police! "In here!" I called. "I'm the girl that called!"

A man around six feet walked through the doorway. He was round but still looked tough and like he could handle anything. Above all, he looked fatherly.

"Miss, are you okay? And-- My God, is that your boyfriend?!" he said as he spotted Preston.

"Yeah, he needs help, sir." I sounded like a scared little girl. In all honestly, I was just a scared little girl.


The next few days were a blur. Preston was in the hospital, I was being guarded around the clock. My parents were never home. My sister wasn't either. I was excused from school for a month as long as I kept up with my work at home. My stalker's number was blocked from my cell phone.

I felt so alone, helpless, and scared. I wish my parents cared more. I wish they stayed home with me. I tried calling Thalia but she never answered. Maybe she was staying away because she didn't want to get stalked next. I don't blame her. But I wish she there for me. 

I turned on the TV. They were showing my case again on the news. 

The Asian reporter said, "If anyone has seen or knows anything about this man--" they showed a police sketch of Warren "--please call the local police right away. He is known to be armed and dangerous. He kidnaped a teenage boy and stalked the boy's girlfriend. I know, folks, this sounds like the stuff in horror novels. Again, if you have any information on this man, please inform the authorities as soon as possible."

I was glad they were reporting my story but it was odd. I thought I could handle this myself. And it exploded into something way worse. 

As I flicked the TV off, I got out my school work. I was almost finished with the entire month in the first two weeks. But I saved math for last.

As if finding the value of x when 2x+7(8*4)=17x-12(5)+7(9x-16) would help me in life when my life was this screwed up. 

I decided to call Preston. "Hello?" his mother picked up.

"Hi Mrs. Cappello. How's Preston? Can I walk to him?" I sounded like an eager school girl.

"Of course, Sweety. He's doing better, sore and all that jazz, but he's better." I loved Preston's mom, she was such a sweetheart. She was a tall blonde woman who always looked like she was ready to give a presentation. I first met her at the hospital after that day when I found out Warren was my stalker. 

There was a pause and then I heard, "Hey Beautiful, how are things over at the Brenna Residence?"

"My parents are still gone. And I'm almost done with all my school work. But the guards won't let me leave the house, or I would have come see you," I replied.

"It's alright, I'm not in much condition for visitors. My parents won't let me leave my bed." 

"Your parents are smart, you should stay in bed. If I was there--"

"You know, if you were here right now, we wouldn't be talking."

I knew exactly what he meant. I blushed. "Shut up..."

"So what are you gonna do today?" Preston asked.

"Oh, you know, maybe sneak out. Come over to your house and... not talk," I answered.

"Ha, do it. Please. I feel like it's been forever."

"Well then, I will. I'm gonna go now. See you soon," I said.

We hung up. I put on my jacket and opened my window. I was on the second floor. Below my window was a big bush. If I did it correctly, I could jump and not hurt myself.

I just had to go for it. I climbed out and held onto the window sill. I took a deep breath and let go. Luckily, I did do it just right and landing on the bush without a scratch. 

I did it! I was out. And I was on my way to Preston's house.

It didn't take long to get there. His house was big and pale blue. There were flower beds on the window and a huge willow in th back yard. The blinds and curtains were closed, no cars in the driveway, and the garage door was closed. It looked like no one was home. 

I went and knocked on the door. There was no answer so I turned the knob. Locked. I went to a window and tried to open it. That too was locked. Suddenly, a loud thump came from inside the house. Something was thrown at an upstairs window  and it broke. There was another loud thump and two deafening bang. 

A head popped out of the broken window. It wasn't Preston's. Instead, it was Warren. He was dressed in all back. It was too late when I realized what he was holding in his hand, a gun.

There were many more of those deafening bangs. I couldn't count them all. Hot, fiery pain blossomed in my thigh. Then in my stomach in a few places. Again, multiple times, in my chest. Everything was getting blurry and I was light headed. The fire in my body was blinding. Then, before I could react to what had just happened, I went numb and everything went black. I could feel the sensation of falling. Further and further, I fell. I don't know how long this went on or if it ever was going to stop. I tried screaming but no noise came out. 

I came to a conclusion while falling. I was dying. I could feel my pulse slow down and my breaths because further apart and shallower. It was scary at first but then I realized something. It would be easier than being alive. That's really selfish to think, but it's true. It's like being asleep and not being disturbed. No more stalker, I wouldn't have to deal with my family, no school. Just death. Sweet, peaceful death. I soaked in this peace for a while and then wondered if I ever go anywhere besides here. 

Was I stuck in purgatory? Heaven is whatever the person pictures it as and I pictured it as the pearly gates and clouds. This wasn't that. Then there was a blinding white light. This was it, the start of eternity. This is what we all wait for, our whole lives. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2012 ⏰

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