Part 5 - Bad Girl - Season 2

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"Hey Aliana how is it?" I asked. ""good but tired" she said. "And what's his name?" Mac asked. "His name is Nathan" Tinus said. "Owh cute" I said. She looks so happy and we to. Now only the wedding and it can't be better. ~POV Aliana~ the wedding is planed when the baby's are 1 year. So we have to wait a little. In that time we have an amazing time. Nathan is just so cute and I think the dog likes him to haha. Rosanna is good to. Mac and Simone are very happy. Mostly they come to our house and then we lay the children with each other and then we talk and plan the wedding. I and Simone are going to shop next week to look for dresses and shoes and that sort of stuff and so do Mac and Tinus. Nathan and Rosanna are going to a babysitter. We want them on our wedding but I think it's a little difficult. But it's going to be fun and the best day of our life ~2 days before the wedding~ Nathan and Rosanna have grown up. You see difference between now and when they were born. It's so fun to see them grow up. To see them change it's just amazing. I and Simone have a dress and shoes. We both do loose hair and have a white dress but with some color accents on it and of course white shoes. I'm so excited! It's like in two days. Tomorrow the things for the wedding are coming and then everything is going to be ready. ~POV Marcus~ gosh I'm so nervous. I and Tinus have our suits and everything for clothes. I'm excited but so nervous. I don't know why. Tinus has seen it and calmed me down. He was nervous to but not as nervous as me. I'm writing something that I'm going to say on the wedding. I hope it's going to be good. I love her so much and I don't want to let her down. ~POV Martinus~ Marcus is so nervous. I calm him down. Or...I try. I'm a little nervous. Marcus is writing something to say to her so do i. I hope it's going to be good. I and Marcus have bought a ring for them. I hope they like the rings. It's not with a big diamond or something. Hey have said that it has to be simple. So it's a simple silver ring with a little diamond in it. Not that big but little. I'm so excited. I can't wait. . ~day of the wedding ~ we all go to the place where the party will be after the wedding. Everything looks perfect. Then we go to dress us and our parents look for the gests. I really want to see Aliana. She never wears a dress so I'm very excited. ~POV Aliana~ gosh it's the big day. Omg now I'm really nervous. I wear a dress but I never do that so it's a little new for me. I'm excited and can't wait to see Martinus. I and Simone go out of our dressing room and then outside. The wedding is outside because it's really sunny and warm and it's different than other weddings. We both walk to the boys. I was walking to Martinus. Goes he was so hot haha. Okay Aliana focus not on that but on the wedding haha. I arrived by Tinus. He was smiling and so was I. he was checking me out. I like when he does that. Martinus has to say some words. I'm curious what he's going to say. "Aliana...the day I saw you...I wanted to know you better. You had a difficult life but I wanted it. You first didn't let me in but then you finally did. And then I was so happy. I still love you so much like I did when we first were together. I love you even more. I can't live without you. We're 7 years together and 1 year ago I asked you to marry me...that day was amazing for me. When you said heart...Omg I can't describe it...I was so happy. My day couldn't be better. And now we stand here...on our wedding just can't be better...I love you so much" he said. Omg I haven't words...I love him so much. I begin to tear up a bit and got a smile. He smiled at me to. I had to say something to. "Martinus Gunnarsen...the first name that was stuck in my head. When I changed from was the first that wanted to now me better...and you tried everything. And it works. I thought that nobody could come in. you changed my life and I'm so happy with that. When you asked me to marry you...I knew it...I just had to say yes...I love you so incredibly much. I can't live without you and I'm sure that It's going to be amazing...with Nathan and the dog and just us...out family and I never want it to stop" I said. He was tearing up to. He gets a big smile and me to. I love him so much...Omg. The man gives us the ring and then we were wife and husband and then have to kiss. We kiss each other and then give a hug. ~POV Simone~ I walked to Marcus. I was nervous but it was okay. I arrived by him and he get a big smile. I was checking him out. Gosh he was hot haha. The man said a few things and than Marcus has to say something. " princess. We sat together in school but we were just friends. When i knew you better I fell in love with you and that was the best thing i ever could do. You made my life better and happier. I love you with all my heart and i never want to lose you" he said. His words....Omg...I'm happy to have him. I had to say something to. "Marcus...i was in love with you...for a very long time. But i was the popular girl and you kind of hated me but finally you saw me...bc of Aliana" i said and looked at her and smiled. "I felt in love with you even more then before we began to talk. When you sent that message or actually Aliana haha. I was so happy that you finally wanted to talk to me. And when you said that you were in love with day couldn't be better. I hope we can be a happy family together with Rosanna for always. You're everything for me. I love you with all my heart" i said. He looked so happy and me to. The man gives us the rings and said your now husband and wife. We do the rings on and kiss. A lovely kiss on a beautiful day. We go to Aliana and Martinus and give them a hug. We were a happy family together. It just couldn't be more perfect then this.

The end ❤

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