Chapter 2: The Serpent's House

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       The castle was huge and enchanting. All the first years were enraptured by its beauty, and Harry was no exception. But while he found the castle beautiful, he also found it extremely intimidating. It was just so huge and loud. Nothing like he was used too. He wondered if he would ever find his way around, or if he would be able to get to his classes on time. Harry looked over at Draco, Pansy, and Blaise when they were close to the castle, and saw they were staring at it with wide eyes. Draco looked over at him after a moment, feeling his gaze, and smiled. "Beautiful, isn't it?"
    Harry gave him a small smile. "Yeah, it is. I can't believe how big it is."
    Draco’s smile turned slightly crooked. "From what I’ve heard from my parents and godfather, Hogwarts is nothing if not grand."

Harry’s smile became a little softer and slightly more nervous. “Did they happen to mention how they ever found their way anywhere? I’m probably never going to get my classes on time.”

Draco chuckled, but it was slightly dry and some of his nervousness began to show. “I'm afraid not, though I wish they had. That information would have been really useful.”

Definitely not reassured, Harry became even more nervous, and closer to panic, but put on a mask he had learned to master to hide his emotions.

It was odd, and seemed almost impossible as Harry was usually flawless when it came to hiding his emotions when he wanted too, but for some reason Draco could sense his internal freak out.

“Harry, it's going to be okay.” Draco mouthed so the others wouldn't hear and worry, though Harry couldn't tell the difference. “We’ve got seven years to figure this place out. If our parents did it, we can too.”

Harry smiled a small smile, though of course there was still underlying panic. He didn't really believe Draco, but took the slight reassurance it gave him. “Thank you.” He said quietly, sheepishly.

Draco smiled. “Of course.” He mouthed again, not speaking aloud again.

They looked aver at the school again, jumping slightly and their eyes widened  in surprise when the boat gave a slight jolt when they came to a stop. Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise all saw the other students being ushered out of their boats by Hagrid, and climbed out as well and joined them.

Hagrid began to talk to the surrounding students, but Harry couldn’t understand him from a distance, nonetheless through his beard, so he had no idea what he was saying. A few minutes into Hagrid talking to the students, Harry decided he would just ask Draco what he said later. When the crowd started moving, Harry kept close to Draco and the others and followed them hastily, determined not to be left behind them in the caos. He didn’t know what he’d do if he lost them, they were the only people in the school so far that knew he was deaf, and he was determined to make that number of people as small as possible. He could only imagine what people would do to him when they realized he was a freak, they would probably treat him like the Dursley’s did and they’d be forced to kick him out of Hogwarts for his freakishness. Harry’s breath started to become slightly labored with panic and he pushed those thoughts out of his mind like he was so used to doing by now, he had other things to be worrying about right now.

In Harry’s slight zoning out, he hadn’t even realized that they had entered Hogwarts and were now standing in front of a very stern looking lady in a pointy hat. Harry tensed slightly, minutely reminded of aunt Petunia. The lady sent slight shivers down his spine.

“I am Professor McGonagall, and I am the Transfiguration teacher here at Hogwarts.” When the woman began speaking, Harry was able to read her lips, and he smiled slightly in relief, the slight resemblance to Petunia the woman held, fading. “I will be leading you into The Great Hall where you will be sorted into your houses. So…” She trailed off slightly, “I suggest you smarten up a bit.” She finished, her eyes landing on everyone of their faces at least once as she spoke, eyes deliberately directed at Harry’s hair when they landed on him. He cowered slightly, and attempted feebly to flatten his hair somewhat, a small blush touching his cheeks.

McGonagall stood there silently for a few more minutes with her arms crossed sternly and the first years watched her in anticipation.  Finally, she motioned for them to follow, and turned around and began to walk away briskly. The students followed hastily, not wanting to be left behind.  Harry, Draco, Pansy, and Blaise looked at each other and grinned, practically bouncing up and down in excitement as they walked.

They reached two large doors which were held open by McGonagall and another creepy looking man who had a cat by his side. The first years shuffled in anxiously, and gathered at the beginning of the loud great Hall and stood in a huge crowd. McGonagall told them to stay there once they all were in and headed up to a front table with a bunch of adults sitting at it. Harry tensed, overwhelmed by the large amount of people. They were all talking, he could see, and wondered how he would ever be able to survive in this school. He wouldn't be able to understand most people when they spoke to him, or hear when someone came up behind him. He nervously ran his hand up and down his left arm in nervousness.

A hand was placed on Harry's shoulder, and he looked up, startled, tensing in fear and recoiling. He was braced for impact, the instinct the Dursleys implanted in him not going away anytime soon. Draco quickly jerked his hand away, and looked both apologetic and worried.  

When Draco saw that Harry was still watching him, he spoke. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. Are you okay?”

When Harry read those words on his lips, he gradually unwound himself, before speaking again. “I'm okay. And you didn't do anything wrong, it was my fault. I overreacted.”

Draco gave him a small smile. “Okay. Um, I was going to say that they're going to be calling our names soon, they're in the L’s now, so I'll be going up any minute. When I sit down at the Slytherin table, keep your eyes on me and I'll gesture to you when they say your name. Whichever house you're sorted into, I'll still be your friend, even if you're a Gryffindor. Remember that.”

Harry smiled, eyes getting slightly glassy from how amazing it was to have a friend. “Thank you Draco. I-” Harry didn't get to finish his sentence before Draco’s head suddenly shot up towards the front and he turned around and gave him an apologetic look.

“My turn.” He said and Harry nodded at him just before Draco quickly walked up to the front and sat down on the rickety old chair.

Harry watched as the battered old pointed sorting hat was placed on his friend's head (he knew what it was called because Draco had told him on the train). It was on there for only a second before some of its folds moved, and it was quickly removed from his head and Draco walked over to a table that was obviously clapping.

Draco turned to him and gave him a wave, to which Harry grinned and waved back. Harry made sure to keep his eyes on Draco when Draco looked away, to make sure he would be able to see when he signaled.

A minute or two later, Draco suddenly looked up at Harry and pointed to the front. Harry gave a quick once over at the people left around him in nervousness, and realized in an afterthought that he hadn’t noticed Pansy get sorted. He caught the eye of Blaise, who gave him a small smile, and emerged from the group and made his way to the front. He walked up the small round of steps that led him up to the small stage and sat on the chair that he was meant to sit on to get sorted. He didn’t bother to look up at McGonagall to see if she had spoken to him, and jerked slightly when the big, floppy hat was placed on his head. But no, it wasn’t just because it was placed on his head that he jerked, it was because the hat had spoke to him, and he could actually ‘hear’ it.

‘Ooo, a tough one I see, not a bad mind either...deaf...but not born that way...hmmm...interesting…’ the sorting hat said.

    “Why can I hear you?” Harry whispered, voice quivering slightly.

    ‘I’m in your mind, you’re not hearing with your ears but with your head.’

    Harry frowned slightly in disappointment. “Okay,” He continued to whisper, “Umm, can you please put me in a house that is not super you know, um ‘loud’.” Harry finished, slightly afraid that he would do the exact opposite.

    The sorting hat chuckled in his head. ‘Ahh, very well, I know just where to put you, I see you already have friends there as well…’

    “SLYTHERIN!” the sorting hat yelled triumphantly, making sure to say it mentally in Harry’s head as well.

    Harry stood up, grinning, and made his way to the spot Draco had saved at the Slytherin table.

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