May 9, 2014

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May 9, 2014

Hello loveses, 

Sorry it's been a while since I've posted anything. I am almost done with Chapter 3 in OMD (Our Midnight Dream) so that will be up soon... and as for ILY I am currently working on Chapter 2.

So anyhowses... Life's been kinda busy for me, I've actually been allowed to go places with my friends! Cue the "YAY"s. Exciting! 

It may not be that big of a deal to most people, but I've been grounded for, like, three months. 

Today  I was hanging out at McDonanlds with Carrie, Amy, Mikailee, Bryan, and Lizzy. All four of us girls were freaking out over one of the cashiers, so we went and asked if we could take a picture (Sounded like something completely normal at the time...) But I think we freaked him out, because he went in the back and didn't come back out... 

Then i went to the mall with my aunt today to use a gift card I got on my birthday. Which was pretty fun. I got an infinity bracelet, infinity headband, angel wing bracelet, ZAP! bracelet, One Direction suspenders, and a british flag watch xD

I've also signed up for a websight called which is basically, you can take hogwarts classes, including playing quiditch, getting weekly homework, etc. So it's literally like going to hogwarts, only online!!! I know a lot of people may not be as excited as I am... but to me, that is like the coolest thing ever.

It's also official that I can move in with my dad at the end of the school year, so if I don't update for a bit during the summer, that is probably why. 

Also if you guys ever get the chance to get on youtube, look up 'fluffle puff' 'to morrow by kingston trios' and 'bcmfangirls'  the last one is my channel xD have fun

Love you guys, you're the best!


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