chapter 4 x

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"THAT WAS WHEN I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS!" I laughed and yelled, watching as everyone joined in.

"She fricken did a flip and almost broke her damn neck," Bryce added, laughing so hard he was crying.

"That video got about 5 million views my gawd," Loren said.

I finally caught my breath and settled.

We were all currently in a circle on the floor of Marks hotel room. It was the night before the shows started, and we spent it in doing only god knows what.

"I'll give you ten dollars to remake it El," Hunter joked.

I immediately shook my head.

"No way in hell."

As others continued on with another interesting topic, I looked next to me to see Blake resting against the bed.

He was hunched over his knees and had his eyes closed.

"Blake whats wrong," I asked, getting closer and putting a hand to his back.

He looked up and his face seemed pale.

"I-I don't know," he stuttered, taking a breath and putting his head in his hands.

"Let's get you back to the room," I said, standing up and putting his arm on my shoulder.

"Guys Blake's not feeling well, I'm gonna go in for the night, love you all," I said with a little smile.

"Nighty babes, love you."

"See you in the morning El. Feel better Blakers."

"Sweet dreams kiddos."

"Love you both goodnight."

"Ellie it's okay, you can stay, I just need some rest I think," Blake said quietly as I lead him out of the room.

"Just let me take care of you," I said, laying him down and adjusting his pillows.

"I don't know why, but I have this pain in my stomach. And whenever I breathe it hurts worse. My head is pounding, I'm sweating and freezing at the same time, and to add my whole body aches," he listed, looking flustered and uncomfortable.

I felt his head and frowned.

"Sit up for me B," I said, pulling off his sweatshirt and bringing the blanket up to his waist.

He stared at me the whole time, a hand on my arm as well.

I grabbed a wash cloth out of the bathroom and wet it cold, put it behind his neck and grabbed a water bottle.

"Take these," I told him, setting two tablets in his hand and giving him the drink.

He relaxed again and laid back.

"Get some sleep," I whispered, kissing his head and turning off the light.

"love you El."

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